Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
My cat *meow!* ^.^ If it were to be a human, then, Sezzie. (She's awesome)
Liam Rizzy
I KNOOOOOOW! NAh, I already do ;) I think its better here though
WHAAAAT?!?!?!?!?!?! Stupid anon go away! I am beauuutiful!
fank u!!!
my friends :)
Goodbye guys, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and I'll miss you all. I'm too embarassed to say that because it is sad and it will make me cry. I had such a great time in SELP but I want to go. I prefer to not be in SELP. See ya when I see ya!
Oh really...???? I'm actually still half-popular with my FRIENDS! Only cowards abuse people anonymously on chat sites. If you wanna say something, say it to MAH FACE!~!!!!!!!
TANK YE I'M GONNA MISS U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sorry, what? I'm NOT stuck up, I am NOT a cow, yeah I do like myself because I want to not COMMIT SUICIDE! There is a lot to like about me, I do NOT have nits, yeah I used to but NOT NOW! I don't like them. I am NOT a b.itch, and please don't ruin my last week in SELP. I'm trying to keep myself positive and calm, because I am going through a lot right now. You're not helping. I am going to Thailand soon. DON"T F.UCKING SPOIL IT! Seriously, go**** yourself with a double didlo, stick it up there until it reaches your brain, it explodes and YOU DIE!!!! Mwaahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Seriously shut up.
Nothing, I like myself too much already.
Not me and Josh!
Thanks Heidi!
Oh shut up, I really do go through boys like the blink of an eye! This crush is a total secret, and it is NOT Josh!
My brother. He goes "eeeeheheheheheheeeehhhhehehehehehehehehe!" UUUUGGGGHHHHHH!
Uuuh... so? As I said to the last anon, I DON"T LIKE HIM!!!! HAhAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!
So? I don't care because I don't like him anymore. :)
Oh well who cares I don't like you anymore. That was yesterday, and I change who I like in the blink of an eye. No hard feelings OK?
Say "I didn't do it, the teacher did"
Yer, I agree. Anon is really stupid.
My poppy. He has skin cancer :(
Who is it that wants to know, cause I'm not telling you! If you have Facebook, start a conversation with me.
@josh isn't correct, this isn't Twitter, and what are you saying? Are you drunk? That made NO sense, and I'm WAY too topped up eclairs. For all I know, I'M the drunk one.
Really, anon? For all I know you could be a girl. But thank you VERY much though.
Sorry, anon, classified info. Not so easy to leak THAT on a social media chat site!
Brenda, Serena, Terri, Kelly, Rachel. The main group I hung out with last year.
Awesome, smart (in your own way), one of my BESTEST friends EVER from P.S, so cool, and so very pweetty! <3
Oh, well, that works fine as well! #alwayslookatthepositiveside
I know! And s/he is a coward. Only cowards hide behind an anon button on a social chat site. Brave people who deserve respect say it to their face!
Oh, tough one, aren't you? If I agreed with you (which I don't) then I'd have people messaging me saying "No EVRYBODY is your best friend!!!" which is T-R-U-E! So **** off anon, get a life, and leave ALL MY FRIENDS ALONE! You do realise that there is a REPORT BUTTON next to every message, so we can click that and YOU WILL HAVE COPS AT YOUR DOOR!!!! How fun will that be, eh? Yeah, didn't think so. Leave us alone.
My answer to this question.
I'm not answering this. It breaks peoples' hearts to know that they aren't all my best friends, and I don't want to be the cause of it. EVERYONE in SELP is amazing, and I can't choose who is my best friend in each because they are equally amazing, smart, funny, and supportive. I don't have the right to answer this question.
I have either gastro or a virus, and it's from my mum. FIY, she works at a child care centre. #7dayweekend
Yeah. BESTIES!!!!!
Heey Eva ;D
Tall, talkative, desperate for attention, but now, tall and talkative is right! She doesn't have a need for attention, and now she is one of my besties. I never wanted to talk to her, but our love for manga brought us together!!!!
Yeah. Welcome to the world of QoohMe of the Year 7 SELPS. Just report it and soon, the COPS WILL GO TO THEIR HOUSE!!!!!
I'm really sick cause I have a stomach bug. I'm not coming either today.
LOL DO you not have a combo?
I know, but its an anon. They can say ANYTHING as long as they press that anon button, but we can REPORT!!!!!
It was a joke, dude. Winky face= J-O-K-E! Oh, btw how is your day at school?
OK coolies :D Hope you die from it!!! ;)
Ummm... "I hate you" "I know your locker code" "Did somebody hack into your locker? Well good becuase you're a ****ing ****tard who has *ex with every boy and girl you see" Well, anon. I'm not a FUDGING PROSTITUTE!!!!!!! Thanks for feeling sorry for me.... ;) TELL TYRIESE AND CASSIE FOR ME KK????
WHY?????? Why would you want to deal with THAT son of a biscuit eater???? Wow, Zayd, wow. Just wow. Remember our HAngouts conversation. WRD!!!!!!
Yeah oh well. There's an anon on Qooh that's REALY annoying and s/he keeps hating everyone... You're next... ;) NAh JK JK. I'm gonna report AND delete!!!!!!Oh PS I'm not at school today, tell Tyriese and Cassie that I have a MAJOR stomach bug... Vomiting, diahrrea, that stuff... :'(
Yeah I'm gonna report it AND delete it cause its mine to delete. Fingers ready for report... :D
Anons ARE snobs. No need for the correction.
Yeah I know! Let's hope to god it gets OVER that many reports. Anon is so cruel. S/he is SO mean to all you guys and now to me... WHo the hell has a grudge against us?
OK I trust you Heidi. I'll get a new lock and stuff.
OK I will... Just a sec. You won't would you???
Now I am and I am REALLY sick.
I DON'T KNOW!!! It's obviously the rumour spreaderer, the hacker, the person that knows my locker combo and the hatey-matey anon on QoohMe! That person needs to knock it off because the report button is just a CLICK AWAY!!!! Take caution, anon! We're coming for you!!!!
1) Love you too anon! 2) No, I don't have a boyfriend, I am NOT a prostitute, I only like 1 boy and he's is NOT in our class. 3) Yes, I think somebody hacked into my locker. I think it was you. Great to know you, love you lots, have a nice day, from Olivia.
Yes...? What are you talking about? The rumour spreaderer...? If so than YES IT IS AN IDIOT!!!!! It could be a girl... it could be a boy...
Wonderful, nice, caring, all your good traits...
Yeah buddy! Thanks Franny you great gal!!!! Dagalee told me that *people* (more like IDIOTS) were saying that I liked Josh (which I don't) and they told her to pass it on. She said no, the wonderful soul. I'm gonna ask her who those IDIOTS were then ask those IDIOTS who told them then ask those IDIOTS who told them and so on... Until I find the culprit... Wanna join me?
Nope. Too cool for forgetness! Mitch is the COOLEST NAME EVER!!!! Or I could call you by your real name and ruin your anonimity! Do NOT know how to spell it!
thx mitch...
WHAAAATTTTT!!!!!!!!!?????? NO I DO NOT LIKE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How dare you Rani. And I thought you were my friend... JK you are but seriously though. Shut up.
Not to take it too fast. Or else you could end up pregnant or married at 13. #theywereinlovesotheymarriedat13
Oh well. We don't connect! It doesn't mean that I don't like you, but it just means that out of 7K, we just don't 'click'. You are an amazing, smart, intelligent person, and I really like you.
69!!!! Nah, 93. The only flaws were 1) Nobody paided attention to me and 2) I didn't eat enough food.
WE GET REBORN AS A ****!!! Nah, we get reborn as something else, and it depends on how good or bad you were when you lived. Or, to be a smartass, we DIE!!!!!!
Maybe a short skirt, maybe short shorts, aqua singlet, black cardigan. Simple this time. ;)
:( hahaha! :D soz for the faces. :((( sad face all the way......... soz rani about gastro u here tomorrow?
:( sorry to hear that... AGAIN?!?!?!
:( Sorry...... IT WAS ADORABLE!!!!!
I know. It's a failed attempt at making me feel that way. I know I'm not. I have you guys so........ YEAH! Oh why weren't you at school today?
HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA! s*cks to be you!!! That picture was ADDDDOOOOORRRRAAAABLLLLLEEEEE!!! Sorry. :D
OK. Who cares? Are you trying to make me feel lonely or something? If you are, then you're not doing a very good job of it.
Hello?! Shaunak said it! I don't remember who that came up but oh well... He was talking about it in Science.
really? says who.
Ok, stop asking me these questions. Cereally. Stop, please. I'll answer this one, but NO MORE! I'll count this as spam from now on... Girl: Heidi, but as I said she's still an amazing girl. Boy: Masood. He has a crush on me now. Not Alex. Me.
My least fav girl or how many? There was a PLURAL!!!!! My least favourite girl in 7K- No hard feelings... Doesn't mean that I hate them, just means that even though they still are my friend, just means that compared to the other girls... So here it is... Heidi, but she still is an amazing girl. She is a really good friend and she is really smart, but I can't connect to her like the other girls.
dont know them that well. no hard feelings tho.
herro! soz i've been doing my art assignment... 0_o :/
um??? OK here it goes- not to hurt anyone here. Doesn't mean I hate them, just means that they aren't my favourites. NO HARD FEELINGS!!!! 3rd least fav girl- Amani 2nd least fave girl- Amy Least fav girl- Eva WHY CAN'T IT BE BOYS AS WELL!!!!
Someone nice, sweet, funny, someone who loves me for who I am, why I am myself, and someone who loves me in general.
later doing art assignment
Forrest Gump. The end was so sad... and when Forrest's friend Bubba died, oh my god... That is such a sad movie...
7K: GIRL: Rani 7K: BOY: Joel 7J: GIRL: Adele 7J: BOY: Karthik 7I: GIRL: Dagalee 7I: BOY: don't know anyone.
ok. i'm just asking. we're friends. just chillax.
thx, its me when i first moved here (2009) at werribee zoo!!! oh email me if you need to on [email protected] kk???
really??? oh well. i thought they were chives cause ms jolley said they were, but she must have changed them one the day that I WASN'T HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kk just a sec!!!
kk just a sec.
i dunno. It wasn't me tho. I wasn't on when u answered that.