You're smok'in
Not sure if srs, but thanks ;)
Who would you take a bullet for?
dont try and sell yourself :')
Um... Ok thanks ??
Who is mean in year 11?
I wouldn't know, I'm not in year 11
Fave year 11 girl at bcc?
Either Maddie Fielder or Melissa Scott
You're so obsessed with jp
Ok love, ok
Who do you miss right now?
tbh vilvit ?
Really nic, and good to talk to pretty funny aswell
What bores you about people ?
Ahhhm boring people...
Tbh on Amy wellllllls (:
Argh, she cannot draw, sing or dance!!
Jokes jokes I love the girl she is an amazing friend and we get along great and have good times in maths:') she is also very pretty
Your father's name?
Wouldn't you like to know
Funniest girls in year 10?
Um... I think everyone has there funny moments So I can't really say.
It's my birthday in 1 and a half days
What?! Oh ma god how exciting !!
How did you run into a tree¿?¿?
Um it's quite simple actually, firstly make sure that you have a tree with pointy branches place it in front of you and run as fast as you can:') or be me :) haha
Your source of happiness?
There is a guy in year 10 that has a thing for Tahnee, it's me btw, guess who I am
Ahhhh no
Who?, in year ten, do you think has a crush on Tahnee?
I don't know
That must have hurt.
Hah yeah only a little actually :')
The greatest moment in your life ?
Running into a tree on camp✌️
Someone/people you want to see again?
Who makes you happy?
My family and friends
how come you didn't have a charger with you than?
Whaaaa ?
Where were you last night
At home :)
Who is your crush? Dont be shy
Well you see he is my fridge, but we get along great he really listens to me really well and he knows what my favourite food is :)
why dont you have a picture
Because some people are too cool for pictures✌️
do you know what a flower is....?
I do
I think you're an absolutely beautiful girl, so kind and gentle with so much love to give. Don't let anyone bring you down or make you feel as though you're anything less than perfect. Because you're perfect as you are <3
Thank you <3
dont you ever feel like you have to act like anything less, or feel like you have to lower your standards for anyone <3 you are beautiful x
from me x
Your amazing <3 x
are they together?
Haha nah :')
tahnee and riley?
What about them ?:)
What is your mother's name?
tbh amber milland
She is really nice, pretty and we get along well :) should talk more :)
i love you maddie! you *ex god! xoxox
tahndawg ;)
Haha love you xoxo
Your facebook profile picture is
Is what ?
Hottest guy in 10A
I actually don't know
I still dont see any new Instagram pictures :'(
Maybe because I haven't posted any
Is it Joseph ?
Would you date any of your guesses?
Oh ok would you date any of them and you still have 1 guess
Any of who ?
What made you pick Lewis and Dylan
Dylan because he is the only one that I notice that likes every picture on my Instagram and Lewis just a guess
What do you want to be when you leave school? I personal think a model ;)
Hahahahah oh so cheeky ;)
Yes I go to your school
Do you go to my school ?
That to many hints
Are you in year 10
5 hottest guys in year 10
Jamie, Darcy, Riley,Tyler and Lachie
Boy ;)
Are you in my class ?
2 more guesses
Are you a girl or a boy ?
you think youre way too good for anyone, youre sucha b,i,t,c,h these days :(
Ok well you can think what you want because what you say doesn't effect me anymore :)
Well you asked me to inbox you after I said you stopped posting amazing Instagram photos... So if you guess who I am I'll inbox you
Dylan :')
If you guess who I am I'll inbox you ;) 3 guesses
What am I guessing for ?
Who has the best eyes in year 10 out of the boys
I don't see the point in inboxing you, you would probably be like oh it was you and then never talk to me
i mean you cant even smile when someone makes a joke you just try and make them humiliated..
If the joke is rude of course I'm not going to smile. I do smile and laugh If the joke is generally funny.
everyone that's calling you a ***** is right! because every time people talk to you, you just give them a bad look i honestly think half the people that you think likes really doesn't
I don't know what your talking about .
you act like a preteen -.-
How do you act like a preteen when you are a teenager ?:/ how donk act like a preteen ? Hahah
youre such a preteen loser haahahahahah!! youre so pretty though
I'm actaully already a 15 so awkies for you:') and thanks xx
Why don't you post amazing pictures of yourself of Instagram any more you never post anything
Thanks bby xx I haven't had the right moment I guess :) inbox me !
Yeah if I asked you out you'd be like "haha no" then you would go tell everyone and they would all laugh at me
Inbox me!
Sorry I don't know any Jordan Pitsos.
you and jordan? whats the go
Who is Jordan ?
Date me!?
Who are you ? Maybe I might if I knew who you were ;)
Why hello there mother ****er xx
yeah, youre a bit of a biatch now, like youre always giving greasy looks and just *****y, i dont get it... but then youre all nice and ****(':so confusing
Oh sorry :/ inbox me! Sorry for being a b.i.t.c.h xx
Have you got your eye on anyone
No, pfft
You use to be nice...
Oh :/ sorry
Do you like anyone at the moment
Yeah no.