Madison Snyder
Johnny Depp massage oil ?
Haarmoni you sly bit of curry ?
What offends you ?
What do you not feel like doing today?
Going to work
What are you currently worried about ?
My health
Do you work with Elise? Is she a btch?
Yes i do
And no she is not shes my best friend
How many kids would you like to have ?
None of the little fckers
You still with mason?
Unfortunately i am not
Can I nibble on your grass? ?
Hello old friend ?
You're lovely, I miss seeing you at school x hope you're doing well
Awh i probably miss you too
Whoever you are xxx
What's under your bed?
Like 6 boxes full of shoes
I'm so proud of you getting this job! Your going to go far in life, I'm proud to call you one of my close friends! Good luck in life :) xx
Thankyou anonymous person xxxx
Are you bored?
Yes im home alone and there is nothing on tv
Who re your bestfriends?
Carlie and abbi
What is your current mood and why ?
Im excited
Describe your life in 3 words
Get me food
What would make you happy?
To have my apprenticeship already
Miss ya face :( Bodes97
Miss yours too :(
Can a robot have conscience? If not, why? If yes, is a robot, having conscience alive?
Yes you could easily program a robot to have feelings and react a certain way to tones in people's voice but it is not living
What gives you peace?
What do you spend your money on the most ?
What one thing do you want the other person to do that would fix things between you?
For them to leave
A body part you think you could do without ?
Where ever your period comes from
Can everyone **** off and back out of maddies and mason relationship. You all are ****heads. And clearly don't see how they are around eachother. It makes me sick how much they love eachother so **** off you rats
Love meg. Xoozox
What do you think is the most useless class in high school?
It's probably mason sending this stuff about himself in haha.
Its not
Piggy piggy
So you aren't skinny? Solitically means you are also fat
Surprised he hasn't squished you with how fat he is
And what your skinny are you?
But he's fat, why would you love someone that size?
You can **** off
Hes not fat, there is nothing wrong with him
Why be with someone you don't love?
I do love him
In my experience it what builds a relationship. So obviously it's **** or you don't love him at all?
Its so clear you know everything about me and mason. You ' heard' a rumor oh **** it must be true then if you heard ha **** off
*ex can make a man happy, Heard you dont even touch him anymore
*ex isn't everything to a relationship
I know how to make him happier then you could...
Oh I'm sure you could
I don't think I need to, it should be obvious
Obvious? You know so much
I know enough to know what I guy really wants
Enlighten me
Just because you say it doesn't mean you mean it
And you know so much about my relationship dont you?
Well, I heard he buys you everything and you don't buy him anything?
Thats got nothing to do with the way i feel about him!
Can't see it
So because I dont let everyone know of it i dont love him?
Love him? Sure
What makes you say i don't?
Define "well"
I look after him, im there for him; feed him, love him
Well, how do you treat him?
I treat him well!
Why do you want to be with Mason?
Because hes amazing
Not a ***hole
And treats me the way i should be treated
Thoughts on Tegan Adams? X
Lovely girl would love to get to know her more xx
IGA makes me wanna shoot myself in the head. Majority of workers are so ****ed, the stupidity levels are high.
IGA pays more then other places these days
What is your nickname ?
All you do is bad mouth people to makeypurself feel better.
Of course i do that
That awkward moment when i clicked on your link to keep updated and accidentally liked it instead
Everyone that is mean to Maddie, you need to grow up! Maybe those 4 people have done bad things to her.. maybe they were talking about her in the first place!
Love you Maddie! Xox
Love you too anonymous xxx
The past week all you have done is ***** about 4 different people to me and I'm sick of it. Grow up.!!
And you don't talk **** ? Reveal yourself
all you do is degrade other people so **** up aha
Awh yeah
Dream holiday destination ?
My bed
your actually the fattest and ugliest person.!!
Does it feel awesome to degrade someone else to feel better about yourself? Because thats just pathetic
What have you always wanted ? Did you ever get it ?
To swim with sharks and no
Thoughts on jake Mclaren
Great kid love hanging out with him
I actually just love you, makes me so happy seeing your face in the corridors :) <3
Awh whose this?
What are you allergic to?
Nothing serious
Are you and Alispn Ulrich still friends?
Alison* and yes
What has wasted your time the most this year ?
youre pretty af
Thank you :p
What is your biggest success up until now?
My job
Someones pretty intrigued on my life and maddy's opinion on it hehe thats cute thanks so much mads love you long time xoxo -Zo
Love you too sweetie xx
Someone is pretty intrigued on my life and maddy's opinion on it
If you love zoe lots, what do you think about her and sam?
I think they are a perfect match
So different yet so close
I love them together
Thoughts on Zoe Lee?
Absolutely gorgeous girl love her to bits
Love being around her xxx
If money was no object, what would you do all day?
Probably sleep
did you get fat over christmas?
I put on like 2 kilos all up
How much do you weigh?
No clue dont own scales
They lie
What was your last dream about ?
Jelly beans
Plans for the new year ?
Would you consider yourself two faced?
No I dont
is talking to him worth every moment?
I believe so
who do you talk to the most?
What did you get for christmas ?
Lots of undies
What is attractive about you?
I dunno
Lol Alisons status
She obviously mis read my last reply
I Said 'a society of ****heads' not her being a ****head
You have lost everyone because you're so whipped. Lost Your only bestfriend
I just got sick of hanging out with people who arnt compatible with me
And try to fit into a society of abuse and ****heads
We obviously have different opinions
How do you want to end 2014 ?
What is your biggest fear?
Failing my classes and not getting the career I want
Thoughts on..
Elle macreadie?
Courtney Russell?
Kelsey Roberts?
All very lovely girls and good friends xxx
What does your perfect day look like?
Being with Mason
where do you live?
Middle of nowhere
Why did Carmel steal your makeup
How *****y
We are sisters we take each others stuff
She didnt take it either way
Which friend would you take a bullet for?
What friends ? Lol
no one ever asks you anything because you never answer anything properly.
isnt that the point of this thing?
How many kids do you want to have?
What makes people boring?
When they are not happy
Would you go back to Callum Cassin?
What? What sort of question is this?
Name a person you lied to today
No one..
would you keep mason forever if you could?
Ask him
What wouldn't you do for a million dollars?
I dunno
What are you really good at?
Normally nothing..
What pisses you off the most?
Being in public
The biggest mistake you made in your life?
Not trying hard enough in school
What would you do if you lose him?
Sit in bed and cry for weeks
How much does mason mean to you?
The world