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Maddie steer ☮


G'day mate, ask me somethin

50 Replies

The best song in 2014 for you ?

I don't have a fave but I really liked steal my girl Xxx

Maddiesteer replied 3479 days ago

Know any good songs I am stuck I am into blank space type of thing

We'll I don't really like Taylor swift so I don't know what kind of songs see write and what is close to that :/ Xx

Maddiesteer replied 3479 days ago

Updated thoughts :/ mlouise775

Morgan you are my other half, you are the sister I always wanted. And you are always their for me with all the **** I get you are first to tell someone to **** off. Couldn't live without you Xx

Maddiesteer replied 3479 days ago 1

It's maddies mind anon she can do what she likes so pls go away. mlouise775

Thanks morgs :)

Maddiesteer replied 3479 days ago

Who would you take a bullet for?

Hannah ...... and maybe jazmin :')

Maddiesteer replied 3485 days ago 2

Did u and couper break up

No :)

Maddiesteer replied 3487 days ago 1

Who is ur boyfriend?

Harry styles, who else :')

Maddiesteer replied 3487 days ago 1

What is attractive about you?

Nuthin :)

Maddiesteer replied 3487 days ago 1

Your biggest wish ?

Idk maybe meeting 1D #Thuglife

Maddiesteer replied 3492 days ago 1

Know any good songs?? hannahlewry228

I know a few, what kinda music you into :)

Maddiesteer replied 3492 days ago 1

Why are you so mean to nia?

She started it And I ended it So get our of my ****ING business okk ?

Maddiesteer replied 3495 days ago 1

What do you miss about your childhood?

I count myself as a child not a teenager :)))

Maddiesteer replied 3496 days ago

Updated thoughts. Xxxx georgiaterry1014

You may be an awfull forever But I love you too bits, your so pretty and a great friend LOVE YOU PRIM XXXX

Maddiesteer replied 3497 days ago 1

What would you change about one of your friends if you could ?

Nothing, nothing at all :)))

Maddiesteer replied 3498 days ago 1

Thoughts?? :) xx hannahlewry228

You are my other half and I get up and ready for school and think IM GOING TO SEE HANNAH. You are kick as* and fricken swaggy Xx

Maddiesteer replied 3501 days ago 1