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Ask me anything you like anonymously

107 Replies

Something you regret buying and why ?

$100 shoes cause I never wear them

Maddisonsnart replied 3508 days ago 1

Thoughts? ayeitsseeret

Your annoying.

Maddisonsnart replied 3513 days ago 1

sure Hun I know you got a crush

Hey Ipali

Maddisonsnart replied 3524 days ago

Thoughts madz xx Breezeamber

Your really pretty, funny and nice would like to become closer xx

Maddisonsnart replied 3540 days ago 2

thoughts x claudboz

Your really pretty and nice your also really funny the past 2 days I have been sitting next to u in maths and we are kinda getting closer would love to get even closer tho love you xx :)

Maddisonsnart replied 3540 days ago 1

thoughtsssss? livvdimasi

We have weird convos your really funny and pretty would love to become closer x

Maddisonsnart replied 3548 days ago 1

Who told you they loved you last


Maddisonsnart replied 3574 days ago 3

thoughts gurl ediehopgood

Your really nice and really pretty we aren't really close but when I see you at school we always smile at each other we sometimes talk xx

Maddisonsnart replied 3589 days ago 1

Thoughts? :))))))) ayeitsseeret

Your really gay but pretty and nice and funny we have really good convos we talk about everything your a good person to be around but when u dog me I feel sad cause I'm lonely we have a lot of memories like u standing in dog **** and u went all mental cause u wanted to clean your foot and the time u came to my house with Eliza and felicity and u almost killed me and in English we have a lot of fun cause mrs porker is such a ***** and always yells at us for no reason we weren't close at the start of last year but then we became closer so much we have weird convos but it's okay before u got fb we sent there weirdest snap chats to each other and you showed everyone lol your the only person who has a convo with me who never ignores me even if the convos are like lol swag we make up really good words like PPP and other that I am not gonna say your always there for me when I need you and yeah Yolo x :)

Maddisonsnart replied 3589 days ago 1

thoughts??? livvdimasi

Your really pretty and seem really nice would like to become closer xxx

Maddisonsnart replied 3592 days ago 1

What is your nickname ?

Mad-dawg, Maddie, mad-dawg snart

Maddisonsnart replied 3594 days ago

Hottest guy in year 8 at ISC?


Maddisonsnart replied 3631 days ago

O ayeitsseeret


Maddisonsnart replied 3631 days ago

L ayeitsseeret


Maddisonsnart replied 3631 days ago

L ayeitsseeret


Maddisonsnart replied 3631 days ago