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253 Replies

Yeah I will cook it relax sweet child. Can you cheerlead in the bush??

Only for you my dearest

Maddytheobald replied 3945 days ago

would you eat raw meat in the wild? ...nah but we'd cook it with warm fire:)

Cook it please you lazy mother ****er x

Maddytheobald replied 3945 days ago

Are you really bi *exual? Or do you just hook up with girls just because?

Well i probably wouldn't date a girl because lets be honest we are **** ****s but i don't mind a bit of ***** so i dunno you decide.

Maddytheobald replied 3945 days ago

That's the one meal I can cook! hard shell or soft tortillas? this is critical

It doesn't matter man! I'll eat anything!

Maddytheobald replied 3946 days ago

wanna run away with me?

Only if you have tacos

Maddytheobald replied 3946 days ago

I wish you'd acknowledge my existence so we could, maybe, possibly fall for each other.

Stop sending me this **** mum, i swear to Christ.

Maddytheobald replied 3946 days ago

Thoughts on death??

Thats a difficult question. I'm not too sure how to answer it... Sorry

Maddytheobald replied 3946 days ago

Mandy Theobald.
You're seriously one of the most genuine girls I've ever met, my only wish is that you would truly see how beautiful and stunning you really are! Don't ever be down on yourself loser x.

What the **** ****, aw thankyou nig! I love you xxxxxxx

Maddytheobald replied 3946 days ago

What's your snap chat?

maddytheobald :)

Maddytheobald replied 3961 days ago

truly am sorry if that's too personal and nothing but painful and sensitive.......Thoughts on life?

No that's okay i'm just not very good at responding to these sort of questions. Could you possibly be more specific?

Maddytheobald replied 3961 days ago

thoughts on tori mallia? ;)

Stop that you cheeky f***

Maddytheobald replied 3961 days ago

yer mang I aye okay, ditto yer 8eva

Uneducated as all fuk

Maddytheobald replied 3961 days ago

Hey bby was up ****** from t8

Hey t8 nuthin u ok luv u 5eva (1 mor then 4eva)

Maddytheobald replied 3961 days ago

Maddo you s*ck

Only if you buy me dinner first.

Maddytheobald replied 3961 days ago

How far have you been witha girl before?

I kissed my mum one time

Maddytheobald replied 3961 days ago