Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Having to play netball on really wet courts, and falling over a lot
probably 2 or 3
annoying the **** out of everyone
It doesn't have to be a snowman!! :D hehe
well hey then Sarah. :) and just as a little side note by the way, people do like me. but you may want to take a good look at yourself. :) and I don't see why you're so concerned about josh when you are now going for a guy with the initials 'W.D' and gee I wonder who that is.
that's between me and josh, maybe you should talk to me on fb, or at the very least not on anon. and then I might listen to what you have to say. but still maybe not, so don't even bother tbh :)
we're not dating. so maybe you should ask him too seeing as you clearly don't believe me.
just answered the exact same thing :P
all of my friends that I haven't seen in ages. I can't really put it down to 1 person
I do have feelings for him
No we aren't.
She isn't exactly my favorite person on the planet(in cadets) and I disagree with the ways she does some things, I just think they're a bit unconventional, and that I would have done them differently. Also out side of cadets, I don't mean to sound horrible, but I honestly thinks she's a *****.
oh hey there :)
really nice guy, and great and easy to talk to :)
Oh wow i really don't like him :P naa. i honestly don't think i have anything bad to say about him!! He's so funny and friendly, and just a genuinely nice person! :D
no. i want to get another song stuck in my head :P
yeah i know he is
I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha thanks hun!! :D ily's!! <3
hmm your 1 of two people im thinking of :/ but i dont know which one!!
but im snapchatting too many people!! idk which one you are!!
I think i can guess who sent this!! but who ever you are thank you!! :D you're very sweet for saying that and defending me!
im snapchatting a few people, so talk on fb will be easier
again not a convo for here. talk to me on fb
well this isnt exactly the conversation to have while your talking via anon, so message me on fb or something. then ill talk to you properly
how does that effect anything?
what is the difference between you asking me out or not?
oh ok. yes. and thats for me to know and no one to find out
no i dont :/ but if you think so go for it i guess. i dont have to accept it
that makes no sence, because people would be able to work out what you asked going by my answer :P
um wat!! how do you know my snapchat?
dont you mean you didnt want people to see the question you asked me? not that you didnt want them to see my anwer no im not saying its a yes to either
naa im good :) plus how would i know who to give it to if i did, seeing as your anon
why do i have to reply to this one and not the other one. and what does me being single have to do with whether im a virgin or not?
no sorry. it's kinda a bit cold to stand around in a bikini long enough to take a pic
what bad news would that be?
me Obviously! :D
I don't know. I don't really think of any of the guys in my year level in that way, to be able to think they're hot or whatever.
Idk, hes a really great guy, and is quite easy to get along with. But i don't really know him.
I don't have a favourite cadet.
Yessums I am
I don't know what people think of me. But to be honest I dont really care.
aww thanks. i work hard on them! practice in the mirror every night for hours!
why thank you, im sure yours are just as big, if not bigger :D
Alex, connie, maddy viti. thats really it :/ haha oh well
i don't know her. so i dont have any thoughts on her.
haha oh im sorry! haha he's a great guy, and is always good for a laugh!
no we arent dating again, but what ever happens, happens and i dont see why you care, considering it doesn't involve you. it's between me and bayden
which michael?
sure anon, I'd love to. especially considering i don't know who you are :/
why thank you. because that's what everyone wants to hear, to make them smile. that their boo*s being big, is an understatement
haha Chocolate!!!! definately chocolate :D
i've already answered this twice. im not doing it again. look at my other responses, you'll find it soon enough
most likely not you, so do you really need to know. however, if you're desperate, inbox me and i might tell you
na im good thanks.
meh. oh well :P
because i want to know who you are :P obviously!! haha please please please inbox me!!
any more than 1? cause, theres only a few people that i have only 1 class with :)
haha aww please!!! just tell me how many classes we have together? Please!
which one. and do we speak only in person or on fb as well?
in any of my classes?
cadets or school?
whats recent days. 1 week, 1 month.... come on more specific :P
tell me when the last time i spoke to you on fb was and ill try and figure it out then :P
no i told you to inbox me first :P
inbox me and i'll tell you, if its you ;)
depends on whos asking ;) haha but no not really
i've been single 5 days. So no, not at the moment.
I do believe I have answered a question similar to this. But clearly you are too lazy to see that, so I shall repeat myself, yes I am single now.
hehe im sorry jakey!! ily's!!!
replying to you. so nothing important :P hehe
heyyy weirdo!!! :P
Unfortunately we broke up a few days ago. But we are still on speaking terms, and we will still be friends. :)
I did say please HESITATE to contact me, and if you had to, contact me via another method. clearly you aren't a very bright person, so therefore I no longer wish to continue this very brief and uneventful acquaintanceship. good day to you Sir. :)
Thanks for that kind feedback. Your opinion has been noted and will be forgotten about within the next 24 hours. If you wish to make a complaint about your treatment here, please hesitate to contact me via another method.
Hey weirdo :D haha
diddums :P
did i? i probs accidently did, cause i was on my phone all day
says you ;) little Miss Perfect :) <3 made my day seeing this though!! ily! <3
oh well. anyways i didnt see it so :P HA ***** :P ;)
I dont care!!! :P haha but when exactly?
Aww thank you! this made my day!!
never said i didn't like her, its just there's people in the world that i like more than her. Besides i haven't really gotten to know her.
awww thank you!!! :D
well i cant really answer that :/ seeing as i dont know who you are. Inbox me if you want to know what i think of you.
oh hey there! ;)
aww you're so nice! :) nice to know.
thank you :)
hehe thank you!!! I love you too gorgeous girl!! xx <3
Well i don't really care to be honest. I know that what you've said isn't true. Also if we were good enough friends, then you wouldn't have to say it on here, you'd have the balls to say it in person or in an inbox.
Hehe i love you!!!
what does it matter if he knows who you are? and why would i not be ok with you?
well im sorry, but if you were that worried about me, you would tell me this through an inbox, and not anonymously. so if you would like to tell me more about this, feel free but not on here.
Well I'm sorry that you feel like that, but i disagree with you, i think he is very trustworthy :) and i don't think i need to reconsider anything