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Melbourne Brisbane Separation
Yes hahah.
More than anyone or anything in the whole wide world,
Uh year 11 probably Tori, Dakky & Braylie. There are so many pretty girls in that grade though like wow inspiration much Year 12 probably: Kendal, Mel and Kiri Davey.
Probably Brandon post
Mmm mum JKS ily dad & mum
Probably Kyle :') Idek
Kyle James Jack is my only type of guy
Oh wow. Well, i would marry him anyday He is the most perfect person i've ever had and i'm never letting him go. I've never loved someone so much ever.
Probably falling in love with the wrong person
AWH! Thank you so much. I'm a very lucky girl. You can group hug us anytime you want.
Ew god no
How can you love someone more than a crush...?
Mad_rose33 <3
As in like love? As in he had a crush on me? Yeah sure.
Yes bc they're dying duh
He's 16 :))))
I do? :))))
Kyle & *ex
McDonalds :)))) Cheerin'
Whatttt thhere fuccckk
Everyone thinks i'm nice. :') I'm not nice. Oops.
Just a mate. Lol
Just some guy :)))
Thank you so much! X
Not really. :)
:))) x
Gay doesn't offened me tbh. Why is it a bad thing to be gay? It isn't. So shut the **** up.
Yeah ^ :') x
Trent and Jakeee
Tbh I couldn't care less about what he does to other people, because I'm in one state and he's in another :) so yeah. He's still my best friend and nothing or no one is going to change that.
Trent, Sarah. H and Sam. :(
Hm. I don't really not miss anyone.
The only person "utterly disgusting" describes, is you. How could you say that about someone as incredible as him? Sure he may have done the wrong thing to Emmi-Lee, but you are no better saying this stuff about him. Everybody makes mistakes, it's just some people learn to forgive, an some people (like yourself) choose not too. Maybe next time you will take it off annonymous and stop being such an ***hole. :)
Do you know what? You are a rude, selfish, disgusting individual that does nothing but pull everything bad about a person and put it out in the open. Trent is a kind, loving, caring, handsome, talented, incredible, smart, amazing young man and he saved my ****ing life. You need to think about what you say, before you say it because my best friend is worth more than you or your stupid, rude comments ever will be.
Trent Robert Davison. <3
I think it's my desison, not yours. And besides and I do not give two ****s as to what disgusts someone that can't even say this without clicking the annonymous button. :))
Falling for peopllleeee :)
Just stuffff. :)))
Made me not want to kill myself. :)
I would like to thank my best friend Trent for saving my life.
When guys lead you on and then go for your best friend.
Huh. ? :')
Everything i do wrong? Aha.
Disappointing my parents. :(
HAHAH. :')
Why not? Is it your buisness? Does it matter how old i am?
A guy friend yah.
Ryan. :(
Nah mate.
Because i was really sad.
This afternoon.
Oi, i love you too.
I love you so much trentos.
Literally no one.
Scott Gommers :')
Probably other people.
Michael ahaha :')
Getting a guy lol
A lot.
Thanks for the memories by the fall out boys :'))))
Jake and trenttttt <3
Awh! You must be beautiful to say that. Thank you x
They are so stupid and rude. I'm marrying a potato
We broke up. It's okay.
I am single :')
How come there is diseases like cancer, with no cure.
Thanks precious x you too
Possibly everything.
Friend? What friend?
0$ :) Fuk :')
I don't? Aha who's that ?
Not more than a brother. There wouldn't be any point anyway. He's 1700km's away from me
There isn't really anyone.
They were all easy to get along with :)
Swing. God damn it.
It's ok Yeah of course. Nearly 3 months might I add :')
Do I have to have him in there? Oh sorry I didn't know.
You're cute. I think I'll keep you.
He's mint.
He cute :)
AH! She is complete perfection. She is like my best friends and we share the same love for a lot of things like peach iced tea, Nutella, BMTH, PTV, SWS, OM&M, mayday parade, eminem, T mills. Like I can't even explain. She is my inspiration and I love her to pieces. She's perfect. She's funny, smart, caring, loving, beautiful beyond words and completely so sweet. I am going to miss her so much this year. I will have no one to steal my earphones, money, iced tea, food and I will have to sit on that bench seat alone :( I love you ugs fegit niggz x
Oh man. Ok so 1. A cute for every single disease/disability including mind ones. 2. For everyone to have unlimited happiness 3. World hunger to become extinct.
Trent is da s e x. He's actually f u c k i n g mint as.
Thank you so much precious x
Justin Matt Jayden Zac And my love Samuel John Ayling :3
Haha I am :") I'm trying to get fitter believe me! I'm a lot fitter than I was in Melbourne... Still fat though :"( wah
I'd never date my exes but it's up to the person I guess