faviourate moment?
Probably meeting my A M A Z I N G friends??????????????????
How do u edit your photos
Are u and rowen friends?
Which word do you misspell a lot ?
Dont listen to dem haters they just jelly?
Daniel smithy??❤️
Thanks thanks❤️❤️
You're pretty awesome, to me.
Thanks??if only I knew who you were?DM me please⚡️
What's the worst present you've ever received?
Flip flops?
Hey turkey ❤️❤️
Hey??so glad you back???
Craziest thing you've ever done?
Probably?......killing a vampire?
Who's your best friend ?
She's blonde??and $exy☺️?
Why so gorgeous ?
Ummm....thanks❤️Really means a lot DM me please????
What is something very few people know about you?
Cole Ebing?
Welll...I have seen him around??
You Bu Ta Ful ?❤
Naa you are Bu Ta Ful??
I really think you are buetiful❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤?❤❤❤??????????
Thanks you, thanks you??
What have you noticed about yourself recently?
Well... I eat quite a lot❤️xx?
You don't know me but I thing you are amazing???????
Thanks you??DM me please!?
If u were a boger i would pick u first??❤️
Thanks?Same to you?
U should sell hotdogs because u already know how to make a wiener stand ?❤️?
Dat kinda weird???
Did u fart ?
U blew me away ? ConnorDavis
Naa?I did not fart??
Your the straw to my berry?
Your the peanut to my butter?
And you're the one i wanna marry❤️??
I could be the sailors and u can be the captain ⛵️
I can be the trears that we cry if we ever split ⚡️
Ahh you so nice??
I wonder who this could be?
I could say the same to you??
Rowan of Tatum ?? ??
I don't know?I don't really choose friends?They are both gorgeous and nice??
What is your favourite slang word ?
Don't to sure right now❤️
Do u have a bandage for me?
Because i scraped my knee falling for u ??❤️ ConnorDavis
???you are sweet?
Dont listen to haters??
U are THE most beautiful gurl living?
Thanks? I don't really listen to them anyway?I am sure you are beautiful to?
Whoever said this you are awesome????
Who's Kate Thomas?
The BEST cousin?In the world?
What are you and Connor?
I never knew you were friends with Tatum and Kate?
Well.... Kinda?We are gonna get to know each other????
Belle ?
Probably the $exIEST thing in the whole word?I don't know what I would do without her?She will always be my one and only turkey?
Which trend are you not into ?
Hey $exy c I'm yours forever give me a chance❤️
A chance hey?I'm yours?
Hey X guess who this is
Thanks Madels ???
Anytime?? "Madels"??
I am soooo lucky??❤️
Kai in grade 10??
He is pretty cool??
Why do you like Connor?
Trick question?
Why are you so beautiful
Aww thanks?DM Me please❤️
I thought you stopped liking Connor
People change?
What is your purpose in life?
?to travel around the world?
Do u still like Connor
Emma r?It seems u guys are enemies
Rackley? No she is my friend?
What happened to you and Connor?
Not sure?
Hannah in grade 7?
Seems nice?
Nicola, Grade 7..?
Don't know her?But once again she is pretty?
Do you want to get to know Tatum and Hayley in grade 7?
That would be nice?
Hayley in grade 7?
Beautiful?She seems cool??
I knew Connor would break your heart.
Tatum in grade 7?
Gorgeous!??but don't actually know her??
Do you know Mandy and Rowan and Kate in grade 7
Do you still like Connor?
Who do you like??
No one at the moment??
Shame , Connor doesn't like you anymore x?
Not sure which one you talking bout?
Depends which Tatum you are talking about?
What filter do you use for your photos on insta
?DM me??
? U r beautiful
Thanks??I am 100% sure that you are beautiful❤️❤️
You so pretty ??
Thanks?I am sure you are gorgeous❤️
I don't really know her?She seems pretty cool?And she is beautiful??
What causes you to stay up late?
My phone??
Whose Emma in your grade
Depends who you ask????
She is cool?
Why don't you ever spend break with the grade 7 English girls???❤️
I don't know??DM me?
What do you want to hate, but can't?
Fast food?
U MINE??❤️
Are u taken??
U MINE??❤️
? You are pretty
?no,You are pretty
U pretty x
thanksxx?I sure you are?
Hey this is your boy C ?
Hey boii❤️
Hey this is your boy C ?
Hey booi❤️
Your too good for connor❤️ You deserve better?? love you Madi x it's soooo nice being your friend
That's nice Emma x
Hey Emma?It depends ey?
Love you❤️❤️
You should come to Connors party?
What are you tired of?
Favourite English grade 7 girls?
Don't really know grade7 that well?
How come you and Connor dont talk in person or at break? ❤
You tell me?
Grade 7 boys ?
Grade 6 boys?
Depends ??
Hey ? you pretty cool ? Mienkskels
Hey?But you're cooler?
Who do you like
don't listen too these mean comments ❤ your amazing .... ?? emmi.e_
Thanks❤️You're amazing??
Do you like Connor ?
Who do u like just say the name wont judge ????
Sure u can get anyone tho?
DM me x