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6 Replies

How do you think the world will end?

Really why won't they never give up on this question. To answer it ends when it ends.

Magulick121173 replied 3251 days ago

Whats annoying you right now?

This dumb A$$ question

Magulick121173 replied 3270 days ago

You are offered a pill that makes you 25% more intelligent but permanently removes your hair including eyebrows. Do you take it?

First of all study to become more intellectual. It is not a smart idea to take any kind of pills.

Magulick121173 replied 3283 days ago

What was the best compliment you've ever received?

How straight my teeth were.

Magulick121173 replied 3285 days ago

What was your first relationship like?

A lot of experimenting. You take it from there

Magulick121173 replied 3291 days ago 1

Who would you take a bullet for ?

My daughter

Magulick121173 replied 3302 days ago