Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Rummaging through the past --- ie I cleaned my room
why have you said it in such an affectionate way? (❛◡❛✿)
OMG that was exactly what I thought and I actually asked her she said no
that's my judgement before being able to identify them. why else would they want to know?
Not creepy at all
reading ---- guys im a little high atm HALP
uh done already just saying there are about 6 questions sitting in my inbox that are asking for my thoughts on people this is actually getting quite annoying
what's the point of these questions???? probably some insecure kid trying to feed their ego.
Not very comfortable with disclosing my scores on public forum. Message me if you really want to know.
Hunger games....
are you sarah
Sorry for what hahaha? If you mean asking the question again it's fine, I just hope you still stay strong because some people are just born haters. They don't deserve your attention. Clear any misunderstanding and just ignore them if reasoning with them doesn't help.
Is this the legit Caroline? I've answered this question before, but it just felt right at the time. I don't regret it and I'm perfectly content with doing IB.
I swear everyone I know from PLC are being asked this question. And I bet my next question will be 'thoughts on nandini?' But anyway, joy is actually really weird but fun. Her face is the best.
I love Big Bang but I don't want to become a VIP because of the sake of it. Because VIPs, along with EXO fans are just notorious for... Causing dramas. And I'm somehow reluctant to belong in that category.
Plc who r u why have I added you lol
not even creepy
I did the HL paper so I don't know if it's the same. I chose the 书评,going to **** up the format because I only chose this because I think this is the one that will entertain me the most during this two hours. I wrote about 史铁生 散文《我与地坛》 and it's definitely worth a read. This is the beginning: if someone is interested, anyone, pls read it and come and talk to me about it!!!! 我在好几篇小说中都提到过一座废弃的古园,实际就是地坛。 许多年前旅游业还没有开展,园子荒芜冷落得如同一片野地,很少被人记起。 地坛离我家很近。或者说我家离地坛很近。总之,只好认为这是缘分。地坛在我出生前四百多年就座落在那儿了,而自从我的祖母年轻时带着我父亲来到北京,就一直住在离它不远的地方——五十多年间搬过几次家,可搬来搬去总是在它周围,而且是越撤离它越近了。我常觉得这中间有着宿命的味道:仿佛这古园就是为了等我,而历尽沧桑在那儿等待了四百多年。 它等待我出生,然后又等待我活到最狂妄的年龄上忽地残废了双腿。四百多年里,它一面剥蚀了古殿檐头浮夸的琉璃,淡褪了门壁上炫耀的朱红,坍记了一段段高墙又散落了玉砌雕栏,祭坛四周的老柏树愈见苍幽,到处的野草荒藤也都茂盛得自在坦荡。 这时候想必我是该来了。十五年前的一个下午,我摇着轮椅进入园中,它为一个失魂落魄的人把一切都准备好了。那时,太阳循着亘古不变的路途正越来越大,也越红。在满园弥漫的沉静光芒中,一个人更容易看到时间,并看见自己的身影。
probably get wynn to watch brainless korean variety shows with me
i don't know what to say <3 <3 <3 just <3 <3 <3 i think you x alla x squiddess will be the cutest some ever
I dreamt yesterday that I wrote Mukden as Munich and Munich and Mukden and woke up crying
Monkey king. when he wove his golden cudgel i just could not resist
do you think if i try hard enough i can become a lonely god myself one day?????????
Thank you for your response. I will try to avoid it in the future! I don't really use those words deliberately but if that annoys you feel free to not look at them! But sometimes it really is necessary and prevents me from being too wordy.
No I didn't. Not a very satisfying result I know. But the most frustrating thing is I don't know which part went wrong??? It could be oral, could be essay, could be listening, could be anything. This possibility maddens me. Lol and I told a lot of people I went really well after the exam
I'm definitely doing better compared to last year. In year 10 I tried to involve myself in too many things simultaneously. In Chinese, I think I'm doing alright but I have to keep reminding myself to not generate any condescension because of my prior experiences and remain really humble. In Maths I'm really not doing as well as in say, Year 9. I was largely reliant on prior knowledge in year 9 and this mentality was not very helpful at all in year 10. Now it's getting better, but it can still be better you know. For Chemistry, I'm doing well?? I think?? But it might be because I have no standard to compare to whereas in maths I sit next to people like Bella and Wynn who constantly remind me of the fact that I bring shame upon the Asian race with their outstanding results. Uh for history, I devote myself to the subject whole-heartedly but that devotion remains at a mental level only. I'm not working hard enough so if I'm getting only alright marks it's not anyone else's fault. And for English, I actually spend the most time on english and I have been getting low sevens and high sixes for my essays. Don't laugh I'm happy with this mark. I consider my efforts reciprocated for english. Nearly forgot economics. Only above average I guess, I don't have much passion for this subject anyway.
this list is going to consist mainly of asian literature because i really haven't read many english books before year 10. uhhh so I have been doing some research for my chinese EE and came a few very interesting books that I have always heard about but never got the chance to read. japanese literature include dancer of Iteo, snow country by tawabata yasunari (i heard his sleeping beauty is really good as well), journey under the midnight sun by higashino keigo and haruki murakami's norwegian wood. (read their works in chinese because i can so i can't guarantee if they will be as good in english) for chinese literature i could actually talk about for days. 林语堂's 政治病 and 京华烟云,白先勇’s 月梦,台北人,莫言's 天堂蒜薹之歌。not going to bore people with random chinese characters but i do have a much more extensive list. english ones include catch-22, love in the time of cholera, anna karenina, picture of dorian gray, thus spake zarathustra etc
I have the cutest anons <3 like that would be nice, but still would be a feeble attempt to adjust my perfectly asymmetrical face so I choose not to waste the money.
omg. the past is in the past. please let go. But basically my mum enrolled me in this course on makeup and modelling because apparently makeup was the only way to fix my face before i could fly to korea to worship my oppas and get plastic surgery???? and also apparently i needed the confidence?? who needs confidence when you can be such a modest and inconspicuous girin (flicks hair)??? anyhow, I found it somewhat entertaining to a certain extent and kind of educated me??? I was surrounded by really kind-hearted people that didn't mock my inexperience in this sort of thing. I'm really not the best person to ask for this kind of advice, but if you want to then you should give it a try. But just keep in mind the agencies place pecuniary interests above everything. Also, no success guaranteed. Be prepared to fade away into transparency as your youth languidly withers. I'm getting my makeup done for formal if that says anything about the course lol. this really isn't the thing for an awkward and lanky girin
i swear this cycle never ends
omg haha I'm not very comfortable with sharing my score on qme. Inbox me and I will probably tell you. Still got above 40 despite my extremely deplorable work ethics but since it was Chinese I really did expect much better. (definitely my fault for having such inflated expectations)
Hi Hailey!!!!!! Seeing my response to the last question, 'I wanted to do the IB' probably isn't a very good answer to this question. But that was a complement of my mindset at the time I guess? Reflecting back now, I would be perfectly content if I stayed in MacRob, but I don't regret coming to PLC. It was a result of impulsive decision-making that I can't judge to be right or wrong even until now.
I recall getting the same question last year and naively responding nonsense like 'lol it's a better course'. Yeah sure it promotes a different kind of learning I suppose, but it's just different. You don't just become miraculously filled with academic complexities and insights that make VCE people look like they are going to end up studying cooking in Holmesglen or something. Disorganised individuals that struggle in the abyss of procrastination (i.e. me) still exist in the cohort. Seeing as I digressed so much, no one will probably read this part and I think after doing Chinese SLA 34 last year I subconsciously realised that I had nowhere near enough motivation for me to be competent against all those other kids in my chinese class, let alone Victoria. IB allows me to scrape by with my menial mediocrity since I'm not capable of much more.
Mein Kampf
why, hoping to be on the list?
English A, Chinese B, Maths HL, History, Chemistry and Economics
I only knew them because of you! literally opened the door to the world for me. you have really good tastes in literature as well. I loved love in the time of cholera.