Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Oh haha. I don't really watch both cos I spend too much time on insubstantial and brainless variety shows. If you want to join me I can give you some good ones....
It's really enriching me up to this point. I am actually enjoying (most of) my subjects. I have a tendency to dislike the subject if I dislike the teacher but I think I should stop doing that.
Because I have stepped into IB hell, maybe 2 hours each day? It's not a lot I know. But that time varies because my productivity varies. If I have something due tomorrow, my productivity would be incredibly high today. But if there isn't a deadline any time soon, I really can't throw myself into studying. This is the consequence of years of procrastination.
Where did you get that from? You are probably being sarcastic but I do find the concept of popularity quite intriguing. The energy you can put into maintaining social relationships is limited, if you have less friends you have more energy and time to spend with your existing small groups of friends. You invest more time into relationships with them, and get to know each of them like yourself. Their odd little habits, their likes and dislikes. But you can't really reach that level of intimacy if you have a lot of friends.
Last year? Trivial relationship with unimportant people and unsubstantial entertainment.
Clark... I had her in year 7
English - Clark Maths HL - Maurer Economics - Lanyon History - Kellet Chemistry - Bryant Mandarin - Liu.......
Went to the city today and thought about things.
Somebody called my name @(・●・)@
KFC using free wifi and waiting for the bus
I think it's better that I find out your identity before I give out any further response
I say Linda you say Yo???? R u a fan of the weed brothers
Last year?? I did art and commerce. Both I kinda regret choosing, and wanted to change mid-year. I wish PLC gave us more choice tbh. If I could choose again, I probably would choose photography and literature. I like analysing works that I dislike and torture myself during that process (honourable mention to taming of the shrew)
They were generically cute, but I couldn't capture their exact shape because the wind was too disturbing and the lights too dim. Plus, I don't see the point of seeing them alive???? Like, I saw them in their burrows in the morning and I felt that was quite enough for me.
Hahahahaha I haven't heard that name in a long time
Yeah I haven't. Please give me some ideas about what I should post.
I had DOUBLE MATHS HL with Maurer, Chemistry with Bryant (she's pretty cool), and Chinese with Liu......
Think I've answered this before.
I went to Three Island Adventure. To be honest, I think it was the people that made the camp fun instead of the activities. All I remember was playing cards and singing songs about WEEEEEEEED. The anticipated theme of "adventure" wasn't dominant at all but there were a lot of lecturing involved that clashed with our year 10 geography curriculum. I was half asleep the whole time.
ooook even though i have been lazy
only replying to this so I don't have to delete the question via the poorly constructed system of qooh me.
Anonymity is not something that I can grasp.
Good good good despite the fact that I haven't achieved anything constructive over the past two weeks
I think they know who they are. Just the usual group.
nothing much. didn't have a very good day, but finished the day with, once again, playing cards with my family.
if you could read it, then it wouldn't be anything.
Dr. P, mrs. takacs and mr stewart hahahahahaha
yeah ok i'll add that too
Good point haha.
Sunrise fall and vanish and so does physical beauty. Hotness cools down and so does passion. Not sure if the comment was intended to be sarcastic.
It was mine to start with ok QwQ but anyways we can be twinning its fine
Sorry sometimes I forget to untick the thingy
you should try to learn how to read asterisk, anon. It is a life skill that you will benefit from forever. i would also include sonny chua but he's not a teacher in PLC
Haha. I tend to be a person who cannot be very passionate about one thing for a long time (there are exceptions), and the same goes with apps. I am always addicted to one of them and then I get sick of it and lose interest. The app that I was addicted to most recently was this game called "Triple Town". Please do try it.
**** ***** ** *****
thats me alright
yayayayayayay of course you are.
My first week was, surprisingly, pretty productive. I finished two books, did my maths homework and caught up with a few episodes of Running Man hahahaha. Planning on finishing a few movies that I want to watch and Murakami's Doomsday and cold in wonderland <-- soz if the title looks weird i don't know if it's the right translation.
My dream university.
Potato and noodles. Such simple ingredients can create countless wonders.
Haha I see. He didn't like me very much though
This card game I learnt from Mr MGG who learnt it from the camp leaders. I don't know what it's called but it's good enough to get my family addicted ▽・x・▽
ur so glamorous, thats probs y ppl notice you ouo
haha that was korean for "I'm chinese"
okok~ also in the farm we have lengyi the piggie and ****ai the mushroom <--- can be found everywhere
Sometimes misunderstood, but a very kind kid indeed <3 She is my walking dictionary + Google + food supply hahaha. She keeps me away from being alone and really has been through a lot with me. people should all get to know her better and all get infected by her zombieness
get it it's fun. I'll spam you though if you get it and we can like 串门
F hahahahaha the story is so funny tho. I got it from Music Performance by Sonny Chua last year. I did mess around a little in class, but I think I was at least good enough for an A?? But he gave me F for all the criteria. In fact he gave F to everyone in the class hahahahahaha. I'm assuming he's so 'busy' and forgot to write the report, but I never really quite forgave him for that. Others in the class said that they're going to talk to him but I don't know how that ended up though.
Really big actually. For A you'll have to study literature and things in depth that are more suitable for capable English speakers. But B is really not that hard. B standard level is like VCE Second Language and B higher level is like VCE Second Language Advanced. I really struggled in deciding between English A and Mandarin A tbh
Ok ok it's just that there are about 30 but I'm busy playing cards. Patience, young man (woman)
Haha. Just to be clear, I did ask for permission to post those photos, and I think it was just the choice of photos that the teacher was 'mad' with. I just wanted to spread the fun within the accepted range.
It was so good hahaha first voluntary exercise since end of school Btw have to say sorry to Anita here for being late and missing part of the session
Yeah I am. I would love to exchange my height for something else tho
Hahahahaha oops Anyway greetings from the farm to you anon
Oooooook but I think I will stop linking my qme answers to fb because I can imagine how it's really spamming people's newsfeed
I have always been puzzled by this question actually. My physical origin would be the encompassing, protective and warm hollow located in my mum's abdomen????? But to quote Gattaca we're all made from the stars so I might be from the universe as well hahaha
Dislike would be a more precise word, perhaps.
Greetings human (I'm assuming you're human? Or some other unidentifiable species
Good good good I spent the day watching running man, read some books and played cards (◐‿◑)
English A, Mandarin B, Economics, History, Chemistry and Maths HL (which I changed into in the last three days of term)
Soz I'm playing cards with my family hahahahaha
20, and with this, 19
Ok hahahaha but I didn't get Instagram to post stuff anyway ◉‿◉
Hee hee Anita not creepy at allllllllll
To follow people I want to follow who I can find nowhere else, which is also the main reason why I get any form of social media. Though I don't like Instagram that much since it's too similar to other things that I use
Hey hey hey anon how was your day
Coz I eat a lot hahahahahahahaha
There's nothing to stAlk coz I hardly use qme but if u want to then go ahead
Myself ofc hahahahahahahahaha
Finally this question is asked. She's tall=she is good at sport ಥ_ಥ ;&-&!;&2892$,&
My life????
I guess the fact that I don't get many questions make me even more inclined to not answer them. I only got qme because I find question of the day quite amusing.... But I don't even answer them anymore ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
Why do I get to ask you a question?
Mostly by books actually.
I am in bed at 10, but I don't know when I go to sleep...
A good person (●°u°●) 」
Jks end of year 6, is this Mary hahahahaha
Well obviously I have chosen PLC over MacRob. Really a personal choice in terms of learning style, environment, distance and a variety of factors that will probably only apply to me. P.S people wasn't included in the factors. I was really lucky to be in 9A which I still miss often.
...Here? As in bed??? (Which is where I am right now) probably half an hour ago???? :D
Hehehehehe I have to say I'm such a big procrastinator because I still haven't handed in my subject selection form :D so it is still undecided. Still swinging between IB and VCE. Advice anon? You will probably have to choose subjects soon so good luck :D
Things I don't like of course
anything against my will
don't have one :'( forever alone qwq