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Makayla Tavares


;*:*<3 ask ;*:*<3

31 Replies

How many kids do you want to have?


Makayladancer1313 replied 3884 days ago

What makes people boring?

Nothing makes a person boring. Some qualities just seem boring to other people. It doesn't mean that person is any less exciting or fun than someone else it just means that they have different qualities.

Makayladancer1313 replied 3886 days ago

Whose that person who you also love?

Inbox me on Facebook or text me

Makayladancer1313 replied 3889 days ago

Have you ever loved someone? WHo?

Yes I have and they hurt me. So other than that person I also love my family and best friends

Makayladancer1313 replied 3891 days ago

What are you really good at?


Makayladancer1313 replied 3910 days ago

Let's face it I fell for 2 people who'll never like me back that way Makayladancer1313


Makayladancer1313 replied 3911 days ago

If u had to date someone who would u?

You know what I'm gonna change my answer. Vincent cause I've got some feelings for him still and Ethan J because even if he doesn't like me, he's still the only guy I've ever felt like myself around and I don't feel like I have to pretend around him and that I feel comfortable talking to about anything so if I could choose who I date with out knowing if they like me that way or not I'd choose one of them (whoever does end up dating Ethan J, make sure you steal his black underarmour sweater with the logo on the front outlined in green a lot it smells like him and its warm. I'd know, I've stolen it before too)

Makayladancer1313 replied 3911 days ago

If you could date anyone. Who?

probably Vincent. i still have alot of feelings for him

Makayladancer1313 replied 3912 days ago 1

Who are you dating?


Makayladancer1313 replied 3916 days ago

Smartphone that is on your wishlist?

I like the one I have

Makayladancer1313 replied 3928 days ago

Do you still like Vincent even though you broke up?

It really doesn't matter since I am not allowed to date or have any boy friends until I am 16.

Makayladancer1313 replied 4010 days ago

Why did youans vincent break up?

Vincent broke up with me so its his story to tell

Makayladancer1313 replied 4022 days ago

Who do you share most of your secrets with?

Hope, Ethan V., Vincent, and Daylan

Makayladancer1313 replied 4044 days ago

That thing that irritate you about your friend?

When they say that they're fat but they are actually really skinny... Like no your perf stop talking bad about yourself ;) :) :* ;*

Makayladancer1313 replied 4058 days ago

I don't know you, I clicked on your profile from someone else's page but I read the nasty thing someone wrote here and I just wanted to say they are wrong and possibly blind. Definitely jealous. You're beautiful.

Thank You its nice to know that there are some nice people :) personally I think jerks take the internet for granted. I really appreciate you writing this to me, I don't think I know many people who would. :)

Makayladancer1313 replied 4072 days ago 1