Ok, goals this year?
Lose weight for my modeling and do better at school
I hope you're in my class this year !! ❤? kellychrystalxo
You even babe's?❤
New year's reasolutions?
I don't do resolutions just goals
If you were God for a day, what would you do?
Feed all the hungry people, give everyone a home and food, make horrible people better, end wars cure cancer and any other deadly diseases and love everyone
Are you a Virgin? ?
Most definately?
Aaron Kesaris??
who do you talk to the most?
Like three people
Myy loveyy ❤ you are so stunning and amazing ? my life wouldn't be the same without my twenny one moist monkey dump ?❤? kellychrystalxo
My angellll❤you make me life so fun my moist white tail twenny one monkey dump???❤
What are you obsessed with?
Food and music
Whoever that was just go an fck yourself ?? makayla is like the most beautiful girl i know . So please just vye ?? kellychrystalxo
Thanks kelly, you the most beautiful girl I know toooo?❤
What school do you go to
Yoh i can see in your posts why dane broke up with you ?btch you nasty?
My bru I actually dare you to come say that to my face?you probably not too good looking yourself ****?
U totz hate meh ?
I know who this is x
Trust me. U wont talk to me
I will, message me!!!!!
Have u ever tried to just forget the past and not blame . And make them so hurt, I miss u. We had such fun
I can forget the past, depending on what it is, I forgive people too much and I've learnt my lesson, please message me I would love to have fun again xo sorry xo 0728827407
Why won't u just likeeeeee Meeeee ????
Message me xo
You've changed bro
message me and I can tell you why xo
Danes a dxck.
Won't say I disagree
Well its a good ideas cause ur pretty so u deserve likes
Thank you xo
And I did that to u cause I never liked my pics ? soz
Please message me x sorry for not liking your pics x 0728827407
Do u unfollow people if they don't like your pics and are ghosts?
Nope, going to start doing it tho, thanks for the idea?
Who was the last person to call you?
Elijahs mom?
What are you passionate about?
Being happy and making others happy?
What was the happiest moment in your life?
Realising I don't need a boyfriend to be happy?
Where do you want to be living in 10 years?
Anywhere, as long as I'm happy?
When was the last time you got angry and why?
I'm a happy person?
Would you hook up with Kelly Chrystal ?
I'm not lesbo bru?
What or who has recently grabbed your attention and why ?
Someone❤he knows who he is, I hope
Would you get back with Dane if you came back and apologised to you
If HE apologises I will think about, I was very hurt and don't feel like that sht again so the chances of that happening are slim.
Getting back with Dane?
I doubt it my bru, go ask him
I love how we just casually eat a muffin in the middle of pick n pay ??❤❤ kellychrystalxo
We are just too cool babey girl?❤
Grde.10 subjects?
Geography consumers business math core and the compulsory sht n u anonymous?
What is the best "happiness" that money has bought you?
Most definately food
How did you meet your bestfriend ?
When I went to highschool we became friends (for both my best friends)
How far have you gone?
Ask your mom
I like you ❤
Thanks x message me x
Heyyy ?I like you ?you are so beautiful ?❤
Awwww, message me x
Who do people always say you look like?
A coloured?when I'm just tanned?
What in your opinion, is a huge waste of money?
Are you coloured
Nope just very tanned?
What's your full name
Makayla Jack and yours?
fck you whoever sent that qooh ? obviously you were mistaken because last time i checked makayla has one face so please get your facts straight ? ?? kellychrystalxo
Awwww thank you kellllyyy?❤
What a two faced btch.
I know right, it's so sad that you were raised to be two faced?
Hey hey babey girl ❤. So just want to say that you are so damn beautiful and never forget that ? and also you are so strong and will get through this ❤❤ i'll be here too if you need ?❤ I love you ❤??? kellychrystalxo
Hey babe's❤❤you are so damn stunning and you never forget THAT?thanks so much❤❤I'm here for you too xx I love you????
Babey babey ❤❤ i love you much so very ?❤ kellychrystalxo
Hey you x love you much so very too ?x
Why did you guys brake up? Xx
No one's business and I don't want to talk about it.
Here for you my babygirl❤️❤️❤️ Jadeywilson
Thanks babe's, I'm fine, just like the picture?❤❤here for you too❤
My gorgeous friend ? i love you ❤? kellychrystalxo
My stunning friend?I love you mah monkey?❤
Such a beautiful human being ?? Tay_ferguson
Awww thank you, SAYS YOU??❤
who the fck does this person think he/she is ... they're btching about you but the things they moan about is what they hate about themselves, youre a beautiful stunning person inside and out ❤❤ bernice_xo
Hey you, they early think they big, ANONYMOUSLY btching to people and trying to make them feel sht. Too bad it doesnt work on me bcs I know I'm beautiful, your just as stunning inside and out❤❤
Why are you friends with carmen
Because she is a beautiful and kind person, unlike you.
Hello.... Can you hear me ?
hay, i loovvvveeee you
you are beautiful and dont let anyone tell you otherwise
you have a heart of gold so dont let anyone break it
thankyou for being there for me through all of this bernice_xo
Omg, THIS❤❤❤
You are gorgeous, and your heart is as big as an elephant, thank you for always being here for me through
Ek is baie ? vir jou!❤
Hey beautiful, love you so much thanks for always caring about me? Jadeywilson
Awwww, heyyy stunning, this made my morning, so much love for you?!!
Last song you played before replying to this ?
Lol its been to long since I listened to music
You are so beautiful, so lucky to call you my friend ❤️ Tay_ferguson
Awwwww babe's this made my niighhtt❤❤❤you are so gorgeous and I'm so lucky and happy to call you my friend❤
Mak jack ?? can't wait for our movie night !! ?❤?? kellychrystalxo
Even meeehhh??❤!!!!
Hay best friend, I just wanted to say you are such an amazing friend. You care for everyone and you are a strong person ❤❤ thank you for the best 4 days ❤ next week ❤ love you best friend ❤❤ - kels ??
Hey best, your the best and most fun and amazing friend, thank you for everything and thank you for those fun four days?next weeeekk?❤love you best friend ?❤
You're beautiful
Thank you
Your most embarrassing moment ?
Oh way too many of those
What are you terrible at ?
Picking friends?
Makayla babey ?❤ I LOVE YOU SO DAMN MUCH ??❤❤ kellychrystalxo
What do you want for xmas ?
My boyfriend
Ek is ? vir jou??❤
Omg that is too cute?ek is ? vir jou❤
You're so pretty!! and you and Dane are goalssss?
Awww thanks!
Mak ?❤ my absolutely stunning friend ?❤?? kellychrystalxo
Kel?❤my absolutely gorgeous friend????
We have to make lotsa plans dis holiday ????❤??? kellychrystalxo
You know ittt??????❤??
I love yoouu.??❤??????????
Why you so beautiful my love ? ?❤? kellychrystalxo
Omg thanks babey gurl ,but why you gorgeous??❤
hayyy, i loveee yewww❤❤❤ bernice_xo
Heyyyy, I love you more??❤❤❤❤
Which song describes your mood today ?
Idk I just woke up
Thank you for last night and today buba ❤❤. We both needed some company while we were sick ??❤??
Pleasure babes?❤?❤.thanks for your company baba!!?❤it made me feel a it better????❤
Thank you for last night and today buba ❤❤. We both needed some company while we were sick ??❤?? kellychrystalxo
Pleasure baba?❤thank you got your company you made me feel a little bit better!!???❤
If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which would you choose?
Big bang theory
Hey babe ?❤ ( that Facebook sht ? ) . We obvs meant to be together ey ?❤ you know according to Facebook ?? kellychrystalxo
Sup babe?❤so lark Facebook reckons we should be together??
"You're a hairy baby" ?? oh no, a new inside joke ?❤? kellychrystalxo
Hairryyyyy baby.?❤??❤
"We jumped outta the wiindowww" ??❤ kellychrystalxo
Hehe that will never stop making me laugh?❤?❤
How were those dmc's we had tonight ??? kellychrystalxo
Hectic but awesome babe's???❤
"My dad catch me doing this"
What a George ??❤❤ kellychrystalxo
Eish, talk about a george??❤
Hay you, I luv (British accent) you a lot !!
Thanks for being sick with me, just so contagious ?❤ kellychrystalxo
Hey luv (British accent?❤)s*cks that we both sick but atleast we can look after eachother?❤
Hoping to see you again soon pretty! ❤❤ KaylaWhelanxo
Even me gorgeous!?❤
dude ... we actually passed grade 9 ?? bernice_xo
I kner rigghhtt??
I've got an important question ...
What's 9 + 10 ?? ?? kellychrystalxo
Isn't it....TWENNY ONE??❤
I miss your beautiful face !! ??❤ hopefully will see you tomorrow bubs !!! ❤?? kellychrystalxo
See you later gorgeous??❤!!miss your beautiful face too babe's?❤
Babey i am so keen for tomorrow with youu !! ❤❤ haven't seen you since Tuesday !! ?? too long , i miss my monkey too much !! ?❤??? kellychrystalxo
Sorry for late reply❤. Absolutely keening today's??❤??❤. It's been too long!!miss you more my monkeeyyy???❤???????❤
What are you currently worried about ?
Thank you babey once again for making me feel better ?❤???. You are honestly the best ever ❤.
I love you endlessly ❤??? kellychrystalxo
Pleasure babey monkey?????❤you the best !!!???❤
Love you?❤.
"Soon it's not going to be about love. It's going to be about money" mmm?? Chloe_hardman8
Chloe that killed me!!!???❤
Misses yew today my monkey ???❤ kellychrystalxo
Missed yew more mah white tail monkey????❤