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Thembi is more than just a woman to me, she is my fantacy and reality, my dreams, needs and wands. She is a complete companion. Above it al she is special cz i got tons and tons of Love for her
Yeah i have nt once bt a couple of times lol
Yeah i would say so ofcz she is
Dark enuf for u to knw im blck
Not being myself when im suppose to be and mostly underminding myself.
No i dont hate any1, i have tryd b4 but i couldnt last long
She is 19 and im 23 wel mayb nw u wil knw exectly how luks cn lead u astry
I do though at different levels as friendship isnt the same
Its been a month or so
Id be grashed and wouldnt commite to anyone ever again
Yeah and i always wonder why mara it hapens
Nöne for personal reasons
My parents, coz it doesnt matter what ***s their way they always find a way out. I jst admire their bond
I was 18
Some who doesnt deserve mentioning at all
Come to thnk of it i have hey lol
St' Johns. Npe i would cz we wuld clush. I wouldnt even knw whr to start lol
Never have i cheated b4 even tho im faced with the temptation to do so mara its never worth my time
Its been 15 months of pure joy, peace, happiness and love of the admost best
Not that i remember of, but im sure subconsiously i have without even realising it. Im not sure
When i love i really do just exectly that and Hiv is not enough reason to dump the love of my life. Her being HIV changes nothing at all
Yeah i believe they exist, but i dont worship them
Thembi Mangwegape
Simple, friendly, jolly