wuz da lucky guy. .cn i stl u frm hm!
isit true tht u da one wu proposd rex??
kwee naH It ws hs dream nd wish 2 gt me. .i didnt evn wnt hm.!
dznt curtis sim a lil bit unmature ?i min frm moreke to him tht sims lyk a hella decline
curtis is way beta dan moreke...hz mature n hz such a swthart...
is curtis da guy u rly wnt 2 be wth nd y
Yes!!!!!!totally......we Get along nd he understnds me bettr !!!!i freaking love him
Ur . . . . fil in da blnk
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
Uhm Dat. . .
Who are you dating currently
Curtis :p
who is the lucky guy who touch that *exy body?
Eh lol,my bby
Do you lyk it in the morning
If u mean da weda,yes ido
Wat most do u lve abt ur bf if u hve any
His such a gentlemen,He ask u if u want something from da shop if his gOin 2 buy.....nd hs friendly dats wat i lyk mst bwt hm
Jelousy is a talent of f00ls,I goTcha ya bEk
True dat
Had dat hector 4rm st.george is 1 of ur Ex bfs is dat true
No...their mistkin me wth ma 4rnd....kasi y do ppl wnt 2 knw wat ada ppl do in their own lyfs..ay meh i dnt do dat. . .gues im unique
We are comin to an end of Women's month so tel me do you think women are given the respect that they deserve. n from your perspective has there been any improvement in terms of Women's empowerment?
Yes but not at al tyms.....yes thers a lot of improvemnts. . .u cn c 4 urslf.
Do u lyk 4play or u jst want the real deal
Xplain wat thy both mean ah ha
Do you lyk givin b*** j**s ?
Dnt knw anythin abwt dat
Do u do one nyt stand(s)
n wats dat?
Y do u like boys so much????
No,they like me . . .
Whn was the last tym u had *ex
Nahari nwi tsongo xem
I like u gal,ur so kind and friendly to evrybdy wu are tooo u
Thnx pela u bin kind,nd me be returning da favour
wuld u eva hav *ex for money
What happend to you and m0reke? I mean u guys were nice 2geda
Long story..*** 2 to me il tel u!!!
Describe yourself in 3 words?