Am a FreaKin (f)un-beeee-lovable chic... LoVe joKin aRounD... AlwAys gOt my hEad sTuCk iN a boOk --((suMhOw find thE cOmpanY oF a NoVel muCh mOre tOleRabLe tHan thAt oF a liVinG oRganiSm))--
Don't reAllY liKe TV... Uhhhmmmm, whur else?....
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Nothing... We just went to the m.f together.
Why yew askin?
No sweety, We just friends...
Lol... Yeah, actualy... Totally liked th dude, but he was too much of a jerk to realise it... ges i was also too proud to tell him strayt up, but th dOpehead knew how I flt bwt hm tho....
So I was like, wtf!, im thru wth ths sh#t... Lol...
---> note to self... act b4 tz 2 late th nxt tym arwnd...(G)
dOn't haVe oNe...
Lol... Haaave iiii?????? (G)
fun-ta-bulous, competitive & stubborn
DiSo M...<3 Lank dOpe dOode ryt ther!
Lol... quite a few hey... But I once 'dated' sum doode that I didnt even know... Was sooo shocked