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You know what it is ?
Never waste your time on people who you've done so much for at the end of the day they honestly don't give 2 fks and will that will mentally destroy you
What do you mean "if I even have any" of course do. She means the world to me and we've drifted like so much it's fked but I'll always classify her as a best friend
I remember that ahhaha I went on my old account and went through our old group chat messages and you don't understand how stupid we sounded ahhahahah ahah
Donnabelle and Akot
Nah bro
Ahhaha thanks I guess
I've givin her so many thoughts so she probably already knows !! But she's a mad chick to kb with always up for a laugh and knows how to keep a convo going ... we may fight alot but at the end of the day I'll always be there for her
Call my work for a shift but don't really want to ahha
I'm cute with 3 full stops hahaha tots
Nice girl, when it comes to sport she gets really competitive it's good but when it's aimed at you ahah then not really but anyways we have so many memories it's good and yeah glad we meet when we did
I don't really know her
I wouldn't say Beyonće but she's hot asf
Only have 2
I don't really use my qoohme much
A tablecloth would be nice.I could get laid everyday ;) :) ;) haha
9 months befor you were born ;)
It's "Monique" please get it right ;) but I honestly don't know :(
"Olly" .. (one life live it)
Seems nice as and she's a cutie
Do to much great things !!
Deez nuts, his dreams are really big and I legit look up to it ;)
Aw, who are you...
I might miss you back, inbox me
Tupac and biggie smalls
Blessed and supported
A BMW for myself
Love you too <3
Yeah I guess it is pretty great its fking buzzing
They can treat me how ever they feel I should be treated at the end of the day the treatment I receive isn't positive its not gonna really bother me hahaha
strong 11
I am pretty smart im just not sure what's with the "arse" ahha lol.
My 8 pack and both my biceps k ;)
I have a few
My chest im pretty sure that's where it belongs
we are you fgt we just havnt spoken in a while
She knows. but weve legit drifted heaps don't know if its lack of communication or..
people who are just plain simple
nothing im fkn perfect haha
The kebab that's been hidden in my fridge and im going to pop the question... ''Can I eat you for a late night snack?''
I honestly don't really know, but I've met someone special and about to pop the question
DONNABELLE always.xx
when you apparently mean so much to someone and they just forget about you like you never really made an impact on them somehow.
HER....and protein shake being craving it all day
I don't watch it much ..
We should true
Ahah i don't know if your starting something or you just don't know how to spell lol
There is no go not anymore
First of all its "Monique" and she has all rights to be here plus she's not the one hiding behind the Annousment button
I know yeah the have the heads shuved up so high in qoohme my qoohmes ars ... But thanks
That's good news progress I guess
Alright I'm not being rude but tell me how I'm suppose to trust you when I don't even know you kient ahah pls tell me ahha
Wow your good at correcting people teach me your ways fk head
Brandon, Shaun gatt, jade , Monique and David.
Doesn't really make sense but yeah it really doesn't fase me lol
It was a while but yeah I remember and your point is
Its good were civil but nah I don't think its any time soon That we'll be mates again
I've known the girl longer then I actually thought ahhaha ( 6 years) to be specific aha But nah aye the girl has change so much over the past years I've known her and for a good cause she's had bad past experience with Boys but the one she's about to be with now will treat her right and I know it ;) she's a good girl and I appreciate her heaps
I don't
Talking on the phone.
Guess you thought wrong lol
I love my self to
Fk of ya fat kient
Hunger games so **** I even left when there was like 20 mins left
"Too late".....true
Well if you knew the hole story then you wouldn't be talking as much sh1t as you are now
Not even pushing anyone away were just not talking plus there's not enough room for your big head to be budding into other leoples business you haven't heard the whole story soo.. BOUNCE
Yeah a friend showed me.
Well we'll see what happens..
I actually don't hahah
It never has if my heart was brokem then I obviously wouldn't be here right now that **** helps me breath bruh and pumps blood around my body so yeah never has
Awh thats nice of you to say but I'm only smooth when I'm talking to her..
We used to bee so close especially our primary school days.. But we drifted heaps haven't seen him in like two months but his a good kid.
When she takes forever to reply...:(
Emsehamer broke
I do but I'm not willing to expose who my crush
I'd choose David and make him make me food and message people for me he can do everything for me that I can do my self id be lazy as fk
I was going to say deez nuts but that's gay ahahah
Noo, not really if we were both in at it.
4 houres and 49 minutes ahha
His a sick kient. So leanient and mad to kick it with.
No matter how much up's and down's we have, ill always be there for her when needed be. The amount of memories we have together is super crazy you can never stay mad at someone that has been there for so long .
Depands who you ask.
Awh thank you, I hear the haters but I choose not to listen.
They know who they are..
Are you going to finish that off? Lol
True. Then why don't you stop worrying about other people's friendship and worry about yours if its so perfect fk tard
Your obviously jealous that yours is not as good
Lol says the one calling me a hater TRUE
Because She's so easy to open up to she's always there when I need her the amount of stuff she's done for me the past nearly 4 years is incredible I don't think I can even give back the things she's done for me but I'll always try to be there for her no matter what happens no matter how many "anonymous" çunts try to reck **** I'll be there for her there's more to why I consider her as my best fried but I'm not going to explain it all she already knows why..Xx
It might not seem like it causee were not in the same class and we don't hang around as much but that doesn't mean shiet I can move states and still consider her as my best friend aahha and I'm guessing your jealous cause I didn't add you to my top three fav lol your so up your self fk off ahah
Donnabelle, Natasha and Monique.Xx