Maneesha Trotter
I loves him!?!
i bought michael jacksons nose for $2 million
okey dokey
send me a question!!!
i have
hello beautiful ;)
hello beautiful
if you want me to break up with bob carr for you i can :)))
stop saying that
bob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carr bob
your creepy
bob carr bob carr bob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carrbob carr bob carr
bob carr i no youu like him!!!
again...just no
i know you like bob carr the foreign minister!!!!
no. just no
frogs have teeth!!
ahh nice to know more about my teacher!
squirrels forget about 50% of the nuts they've hidden
tortoises are yummy
your yummy
come to my house on pitt st tomorrow!! we will have loots of fun :DDDDDDDDDD
your dp is pretty and happy
i am amazing
malqwgdagdhvidfybfv sdkjfhgsdil asdbfvis
hgufjhfi l8osdhv iosv
be :) not :(
right back at you
hello lovely
good bye lovley
nice to talk to you too
arkward turtle :\
your a awkward turtle
chattetywdwdKW HINEWLTHFKI idghhdhimaneeshatrotter
be happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
don't worry
' _ '
\___/ rabbit sitting on gras*!!
... ...
( ) ( )
`` ``
human brains are 70-75 % h20!!
yeah i knew that
there is a pet cemetry in New York with 12,000 pets buried
can i be buried there? lol
what would you ratlher a egg or a lolypop?
a lolypop
i lurrvvee you evelynb
love you too
maneesha has yummy hair
do you have yummy hair
do you have abs??
yeppp a 24 pack!
cold weather makes fingernails grow faster!!!! (by 0.000000000000001%)
thats why my fingernails are so ong in summer
what would you do if you met a squirrel?
say hello
people shed between 50-100 hairs a day
your beautiful <3
that is b.s. not to be rude
ily your willy
ily YOUR wily
there are words rhyming with month in engish
my name does those!!!
squirrels can jump 20 feet!!!!!
so can i! what a coincident!!
i love ice cream and chocolate
did you know you are you!!!
yep well done for figuring that out!!!
why would you do tht maneesha that is just ...
buttermilk dosent contain any butter
buttersock dosent have any socks in it
california is the 2nd biggest cheese-making state
i hate cheese!!!!!
you have many lives ..... do you believe that??
yes infact i do
you will have 20,000,000 babies and 30,000 adopted ones in your whole 30 lives
sounds like alot of fun for me
you will have 3 sets of twins and 4 other babies with 3 differet husbands!!!
did you know that you will b in your 30's when you have your first baby
i am actually planning to have my first in the next couple years (sarcastic voice)
did you know you are going to die in the next 90 yrs!!!
better start planning your funeral!!
dont go around telling what to do!!!!!!!!
am i a chesire cat???
yes your smile is like one!!!
canada means big village in indian
your name means baboon in that language!
armadillos have 4 babies at a time
i have 4 babies at a time too does that mean i am one???
redheads would turn into vampires after they died
thats what the greeks said
In Egypt, redheads were buried alive as sacrifices to the god Osiris.
sounds fun!
The lips of both men and women resemble the lips of the v*****
okey your wierd
baboons have their own army and they kock each other ouut by showing their butts
well yeah as if you didnt know that!!
porcupines float in water
i want to float with them
americans mostly choke on toothpicks
where are you getting these facts!!!
there are 178 sesame seeds on a mcdonalds big bun
i dont eat their burgers....
elephants have four knees
you have 4 knees
every year 98% of your atoms are replaced
dont really care
american car horns beep the note 'f'
you have curly hair!!
yep and lovin' it everyday! :)
our heart can squirt blood 9m
cats sleep 16-18 hrs every day
sounds really nice
elephnts cant jump
someone paid $1.3 million for a cow
wow....they must like cows
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
hasn't been one and i don't really care what people say anyway
fish can't hold their breath
meet me at swim st in eltham tomorrow then we can ride turtles to school together:))) can you come??
where is swim street? but sounds like fun!!
youre pretty
thanks so r u probably
your hot <3
Thank you...?
lalalallaralla la lalala
la la lalalla
mi m mm fhjashda flhjajcbas ckashxkjasn hi
:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))):)))))))))))))))))))
good to see ur happy! :)
who are your 10 closest friends??
Evelyn, Meg, Lauren, Rylee, Steph, Maigan Emily and heaps more
what is your middle name
do you have braces??
No i got them off ages ago
oiiiiiii oi oi
aussi aussi aussi oi oi oi??
hello Mrs. Trotter how has your day been?
pretty good mr. anonyous how has ur day been
haterz gonna hate
potatoes are gonna potate
yum yum lick me
are you an ice cream? if so then yes
what is your phone numberrr???