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Send me some sick shizzle

72 Replies

What makes people boring?

Not replying to my messages

Mangas replied 3638 days ago

What do you s*ck at?

Life lol

Mangas replied 3646 days ago



Mangas replied 3648 days ago

thoughts on Jessica hendriks?

I don't know her really soz

Mangas replied 3648 days ago

Thought on Gillian Warwick

She's nice :)

Mangas replied 3649 days ago 1

Fatty Dollyxxx

Thanks x

Mangas replied 3649 days ago

Thoughts on Mack Joon?

Best kid love him to pieces xoxox

Mangas replied 3649 days ago

Obvz zach dore Amy geez

Sorry I don't know who you're talking about

Mangas replied 3649 days ago

Thoughts on Eric Van Rossum?

He's nice as

Mangas replied 3649 days ago

Thoughts on ZD

I don't know who that is

Mangas replied 3649 days ago

boo Shandawg

Hi shan

Mangas replied 3649 days ago 1

Thoughts on rohan matheson

Best kid ily roh

Mangas replied 3649 days ago

Zach Dore?

What about him

Mangas replied 3649 days ago

Thoughts Alexbarker18

You're just fabulous you're always there for me and you're so so so so nice ily a trilly

Mangas replied 3649 days ago

**** off

Dolly that you

Mangas replied 3649 days ago