Tamara I love you too much ❤️
Ashlin, love you too ❤
Do you know Aston in your school
Why do u act all hood and cool when u not ?
I really don't
Can we be friends?
Sure anon :)
Why don't you reply to all your questions?
Because people ask stupid questions.
God you're beautiful
Thanks x
You're so $exy we should fck
You've got no chill, tbh
I fvcken miss you.
Message me x
You And Indu ?
We're friends?
Hey Gretchen ❤️ Just spreading some love on your profile Caitsatmore
Thank you beautiful ❤
I love you ❤
Tamara ❤
I think you shouldn't go to pretoria for so long :|
I Love You Beautiful ❤
See you
Omw Ash
Love you too pretty ❤
Beautiful girl❤️
Thanks precious ❤
It's because of you
What is?
Why so beautiful? :')
Aww ❤
Why is a chilli called a chilli if it's really hot???
That's a really good question
Beauty and fashion sense goals❤
Thank you ❤
I love you more
You make it look like it's magic
I see nobody, nobody but you.
Are you dating anyone?
What's your favorite song?
I don't have a favorite
Say something I'm giving up on you
I'll be the one if you want me to
When you in matric who would you want to be your MD date ?
Uhmm idk never thought about it
Do You Like Ashleigh ?
Ashleigh who?
Stalker ❤
Love you too beautiful ❤
Your actually a bitvh
You're *
You're really pretty
Thank you ❤
I wanna be your friend.
You Liams ex?
Uhmm something like that
Why you so beautiful?
Why you so sweet?
My **** is hard for you
To find.
Hello you beaut ❤
So just coming here to tell you how beautiful you are and that I love you so much❤
Babe I cherish you
I look up to you ❤
You're so amazing and you are the perfect example of what a lady should be like ❤
Stay gorgeous my love ❤
This is so special ❤
Hey special one xo ❤️Stay awesome !!!!!!!!! Teekay_Maafo
Hey my favorite ❤
Much love xo
Do you like tayla k?
I love her
She's my Homie ❤
What could you talk about forever?
Shoes ❤❤❤❤❤❤
You're the best ❤
You're the bestest ❤
You're so beautiful
Thanks baby doll ❤
You have ammmmaaaaazzzzziiiinnnnngggg clothes
Thaaaaank you ❤
Which ex would you date in you had too...
Idk.. I wouldn't date any of them again
Wow, you're beautiful ❤
Could I get your number?
Dm me ❤❤
Hey beautiful ❤
Iloveyou !
Hey ❤
Love you too!
B like Bieber or B like Beethoven?
Bieber ❤