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Spjhhhhhh☺stop it i like it
Yea ds maar wat j n dame noem?
Ok piet im on me way
Hmmmm dm my dan reel ons?
Thx bro/melady..means alot?
A place amoungst the stars ...or an tropical island where you could snorkel with teh fishes ...or an animal shelter and adopt all the doggos..where would you wa t 2 go
Ohhhhh dam dude ?as ek n gay version van my kan kry sal ek jou se?
Wanneer hulle dink di wereld draai net om hulle en dink hulle kan links en regs met ouens se harte speel
No clu bruh
Hmmm...maby hang af hoe $exy jy is ek joke probably not?
73kg at the moment hang af of di skaal di di poef is?
Well a dankie il flex if you ask me 2 ask pieter?
Um no ?i like the female kind
Wag hoe groot is di kar tho?
Um i have bean bamboozeld ekt ni eers n girl nu en watter ding?
My ex ?♂️
He is my brother from another mother
Samsung flip i think