How was your weekend?
Do you still like Kristina?
Are you serious? Of course I do
What are you on about my laugh is great Zoey.bonner
Oh it is, and everyone all over New Zealand knows it ;)
Who are your other favs?
There's a few
father scoon hahahahahahaha what
Daddy Deanna
Hannahs cool too :)
Is she now
Thoughts on Amber Redmond-Smith?
Really nice! Caring and sweet:) cool to talk too and her and Hayden are cute
faves at avonside?
Kristina, Morgan, Shea, Zoey, Father scoon and Talia. There's more but that's the main ones
Shorty is a gay ****
Why tell me?
Amongst people you know ,who has the most annoying laugh?
Shea ;)
Thoughts on katie (;
She's lovely:) cool to talk to and the best year 9;) She's really kind and caring:)
thoughts on Zara Amtman:)
She's been through alot:/ but by all the snapchat stories I think she's happy which is really good! She's lovely:)
Thoughts on Hannah Robertsonnnnn
She's nice:) funny and yeah:) she's lovely
Hannah is a hoes name
So im a hoe
Hannah is a hoes name
Makes sense
This guy. Ohh I've got so much respect for you ohh wait you're anon /: Nethanielb
See what I mean. Shortys a ****!
Omg wtf we are having a joke hahahahahahaha
That was a good one Marshall Hannah hahahahahaha Nethanielb
I know Shorty
Thoughts on Hayden!!
Needs to learn how to spell people's name
Honest thoughts on hayden, don't just say gc this time
gc ;)
Thoughts on bailee!!
You're really funny! You and Kristina are cute best friends, you are cool to talk too, and friendly:) suit shorty tonnes
Your amazing, just the way you arrrrrre((
Thoughts on bailee gg
Not doing yours because you did a bad one for me
Hah. Marshall Hannah. Two first names Nethanielb
Your short lol
I still need to meet you(:
Do ya now?
Hannah is a girls name haha
Hahahahahahaha your so funny
Coolest yr 9 at you're school
James Alexander
Having lots of girl friends is a bit gay, unless of course you are ****ing them. Which I don't think you are.
How is it gay when I have a girlfriend? Aha
People say you need more guy friends, just because you have lots of friends that are girls! You don't really need that much new friends haha
I know!
Honestly, you need more guy friends.
Holla at me
All goods lets go ****. Nethanielb
Bk in 30 minutes ****
Would you want to be closer with Pat?
We are pretty close already
Can we just have a fight and get this over with?
Hahahahahahah what
Hey. No need for that language thank you Nethanielb
Shut up youre lazy
Why are you telling me to **** off?
Not you! Hahahahah the people that say I friendzone people hahah:)
I don't actual have any "good" friends, got friends but they all have something bad about them
Everyone has a downside, but most my friends are girls, the reason isn't that I "friend zone" them like some people say, it's because they are more caring and trust worthy than what most guys are! And I never really have " friend zoned " anyone so **** offff
Which of your friends do you trust then
From school, like shorty and pat
5 real friends actual lucky ****
I wouldn't trust them all tbh
How many real guy friends dp you have? By that I mean, you actually hang out, they don't call you names, they don't take your stuff & they don't bully you in any way?
Don't take my stuff reminds me of shorty taking my food hahahaha and I have a few, maybe like 5? Then there is others than I'm mates with but I don't see all the time, like um Dallas or Zane
Do u need more guy friends?
I don't know tbh
How much do you swear?
I don't ****ing swear that ****ing much ;) na I swear when I'm in pain or ****ed off
How wealthy do you consider yourself
I'm not wealthy myself haha but my parents have done really well for themselves:)
Are your friends mean to you? Or do you need a new bunch of friend's?
Not really, they take things too far but yet again, I'm not friends with all that group
H/O of the other guys at your school
Some are real gc's, others talk so much ****
Are you enjoying your school?
It could be better but i wouldn't move:)
Are you trying to say Kristina should be getting **** for it?
No! People should just respect others choices and situation
Do you have a best friend? If so who?
What's not you're choice
This break
What's so good about the weather
Nothing really, rather overcast
5 closest guy mates? And why?
Shorty, idk, Pat, idk, Patrick, longest friend, idk idk
Why would you want to travel to those 3 places
For good weather and for an experience
That thing about kristina and talia is ****ing funny hahahahahaha
Is it?
How come you use this & not ask?
I just find this easier tbh
What was so bad about your day
I'm sick of getting **** for something that's not my choice
You are very cute and you seem like such a lovely guy!
Aww thank you:))
Taine? Hahahaha
Who knows you better than your parents?
3 places you would like to travel?
Raro, Hollywood, spain
Best takeaway food?
Favourite type of car?
Who's your idol/ role model?
I have no idea:/ haha
Ever been drunk ?
When I was like 3 hahahaha I haven't other than that
Favourite birthday ?
No idea haha
What do you do in your spare time?
Listen to music
Music you listen to?
Anything good really:)
Are you going to the fireworks
No hahahah
Never give up on her. Haha out conversation with Shea was funny and what you were saying to that guy hahaha oh god
Can whoever this is mail? This whole question has got me confused:(
Favourite party song?
No clue
I will do whatever I want! Thank-you very much.
1322 answers! Why so popular m8?
I just post these too much hahahaha
Favourite app on your phone ?
Pic Collage
Green bananas or yellow bananas?
Favourite breed of antelope?
I love all antelopes
What do you want to do after school?
Ask.fm is cooler than qooh.me
Just no
If you had $100 dollars and you could only spend it in one shop! What shop and what would you buy? (:
Maccas and all on frozen coke
What did you do today?
School yourself?
My goldfish told me that john smoked pot with Sally, and they all lived happily ever after in there house made out of pancake jandals.
I like turtles
Do penguins have knees ?
Favourite thing to do in summer ?
Swim in the pool
Tortoise or turtle ?
I can feel the love between you guys((: Nethanielb
Smart as*
"Hey" "hi" how do you expect me to take that sarah.ellen
I'm copying what you said a few days back
It takes two to have a conversation Marshall I couldn't talk to myself sarah.ellen
You can start the conversations too?
The us before you got a girlfriend and put all your time and effort into her? sarah.ellen
Yes that us, I'm sorry okay? But you haven't exactly helped keep us as close?
That's sad,Hayden Collis is lovely!aw :'(
I haven't said anything about Hayden?!? He's a gc
Haha **** mate I heard about what you said about that Hayden Collis f*****, priceless.
I haven't said anything about Hayden? Haha