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Someone to look up to?
Life... Among other things
A 5 rand ???
Nafuntapy, cause when coming about this island youd have nothing but fun
Win another $50 million
Abidah Taliep, Why? Cause i say so.......
I think about........ how to make my every move not upset the people i care about
I dnt hate , I believe theres good in everything and everyone!
I guess how they find us attractive
A guy named whos name is ( ).
Depends what answers are u looking for?
An earth snail ,NO!
Sea snail, YES!
I would like to but I dnt think so !
Tom hiddleston
Dylan O'Brian
and this guy I know (its a secret)
Anything youd like stanger
Theee Smashmellow !!!!!!!!
im feeling lonely
How funny I am !!!!!!
I ran a small child over with my bike...
Food truck before money plut
I dnt know have u?
Am I a virgin, why yes I am
id have the one of invisibility ,just so that I could prank people and do stuff without people seeing me
The day I realized life isn't going to always be amazing but if u can make life great that surely shows u are amazing......
Maybe, who wants to know
Raise the baby on my own with the help of my family and become the best possible mother I could ever be
I dnt have one cause theres light in each one
I would call that my stolen first kiss actually @ab_adams
I dnt know I never had one ..... yet
To make sure that everyone im surrounded by is smiling
Going to a carnival , doing random fun sh#t
probs food, coffee...
my past ....
none actually
umm ran away from school and smoked
umm maybe
This boy named daron in grade R
ek vittie
Who wants to know ( raising eye brow)
2016, because ive never felt more free
Hell the f#ck no, im done with those btches
Abdul adams..................
Nice guy........ who's inlove with himself
This amazing guy called........ , just kidding, umm cant remember
Work , coffee , late night thinking of u ...
Umar ........
Ummm okay ?
Yes , I do eat that sht ???
Have u seen my face ???
none cause I dnt have a bank balance
Yes yes I do ?
I still have yet to reach that point
If someone walked up to me and told me that I was there whole world
Whyyy ?
Umm I dnt know , sleep probably
I cannot give out there names classified information ??
Then why u sound so in your replies
My Best friends and a few people
Call my best friends over to the White House
Honestly, I dnt know ,maybe
Wasting time by being sad
Loyalty , duh
A oreo mcflurry
There reasons for disliking me