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Mason Hexter



706 Replies

What do you not feel like doing today?

getting out of bed

MasonyHexter replied 3337 days ago

Where would you like to travel to?

Japan!!! The scenery looks fcking wicked, from all the Temples/Shrines to the gardens that still look gorgeous in Winter, to the city streets that are as alive at night as they are at day and i want to visit the Studio Ghibli museum and the Pokemon Centre teehee

MasonyHexter replied 3342 days ago

Goals for 2016?

lose weight, pass year 11, earn a lot of money, get a girlfriend longer than 2 weeks and learn more with Fresh Entertainment :)

MasonyHexter replied 3342 days ago

What's your fave food?

is food a decent enough answer?

MasonyHexter replied 3342 days ago

How was your Christmas?

yeah it was pre good, was with my dads side of christmas so it was pretty boring but i cant complain :')

MasonyHexter replied 3342 days ago

I don't believe that you run concerts. Sounds fake and looking for attention.

oh really? have a look at my cover photo on facebook. thats me with the Fresh Entertainment group, if you still dont believe me after that then you should actually come to the shows. Next one is Waterfront Fest where we set up all the Live music. still dont believe me? come to the stage and im 100% sure you'll see me. and im not looking for attention if i want to be an event manager when im older? the only attention i want is for people to come to the shows.

MasonyHexter replied 3358 days ago

If you could forget one thing, what would it be?

forgetting how to forget

MasonyHexter replied 3358 days ago

Favourite animal?

Cat :) (P00sie)

MasonyHexter replied 3358 days ago

5 random facts about you?

1. i send and love Edgy Meme which offend a lot of people
2. im 6'2 tall
3. i weigh 108 :/
4. i tend to give my heart out to people a lot
5. i buy cool things for friends for christmas and birthdays

MasonyHexter replied 3358 days ago

what's your opinion on teenage pregnancy?

Well, i guess im sorta half/half on it, i think its kinda bad that they had unprotected $ex (unless it was forced then thats fcked up) and they shouldnt be having a kid up untill mid 20's to early 30's but yet again if they do end up falling pregnant and wish to keep the baby good on em ya'know, the only reason why i find it bad in the first place is because not a not a lot of teens want to be a dad or mum and cant get a good enough pay/income to help support their child as much as an adult does

MasonyHexter replied 3362 days ago

You are so innapropiate and rude. No wonder you get rejected all the time and have no Deb partner.

innapropiate yes, rude sometimes, i get rejected because im ugly and fat with a nerd/geeky personality. and infact i do have a deb partner and im actually thankful to her for accepting.

MasonyHexter replied 3362 days ago

How many doors do you have at your house?

0, im homeless

MasonyHexter replied 3408 days ago

If you were a tree wat kind of tree would you be?

a gum nut tree because my nuts are made of gummy

MasonyHexter replied 3452 days ago

Your song of the day?

Repentless by Slayer

MasonyHexter replied 3452 days ago

netflix and chill?

yeah but nobody to netflix and chill with tho

MasonyHexter replied 3452 days ago