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Ask De uh Question!!!

422 Replies

What have you always wanted ? Did you ever get it ?

To go out with grace. No

Massaloty replied 3431 days ago

Why Grace?

Idk lol

Massaloty replied 3444 days ago

Do you still like Sarah?

A lil but I think about grace more than her

Massaloty replied 3445 days ago

How much do you weigh?


Massaloty replied 3465 days ago

Plans for the new year ?

Be peak

Massaloty replied 3471 days ago

Who would you take a bullet for?

Idk, ask me when I have a wife and kids.

Massaloty replied 3481 days ago

What do you like about Sarah?

Her hair, her smile, her arrogance, how she's so feisty( I like a challenge) her laugh cause its like she's dying, her bod. Basically everything, except her running its fanny. SOZ COOPS :P

Massaloty replied 3481 days ago 1

To where


Massaloty replied 3494 days ago

Are you moving??


Massaloty replied 3494 days ago

What would you change about one of your friends if you could ?

Stop being swank snitches. all my friends

Massaloty replied 3495 days ago

How do you want to end 2014 ?

feewing gooh

Massaloty replied 3495 days ago

Who do you like?

Sarah McIntosh!

Massaloty replied 3499 days ago

What is your biggest fear?

snakes and spiders

Massaloty replied 3500 days ago

What does your perfect day look like?


Massaloty replied 3503 days ago

have yu seen graces las qooh q

I dnt care + the bich is gonna miss me

Massaloty replied 3505 days ago