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maciej nelson


Ask me anything you like anonymously

35 Replies

what school do you go to?

St Charles

Mathewn replied 2426 days ago

How old are you


Mathewn replied 2546 days ago

What percentage is your phone's battery on right now?


Mathewn replied 2719 days ago

If you could be on the cover of any magazine , which would you choose ?

Ride bmx UK

Mathewn replied 2721 days ago

If you could reach into any movie and pull something out, what would you take?

Iron man suit

Mathewn replied 2773 days ago

What have you never truly gotten over?

How $exy I am.??

Joaks I don't know people maybe?

Mathewn replied 2836 days ago 1

You want still want lessons? ?


Mathewn replied 2848 days ago

If you discovered a new island, what would you name it and why?

Beesh just cause??????

Mathewn replied 2856 days ago

You chop


Mathewn replied 2864 days ago

What makes you instantly hate someone?

I don't know just something about the person

Mathewn replied 2868 days ago

What is one thing you wish everyone knew about you?

U dont know maybe that I can sing????

Mathewn replied 2883 days ago

2 days ago you say Jess is your missing puzzle piece blah blah blah and then you post on Anes qooh saying how amazing she is ?

It's true don't hate on kyle

Mathewn replied 2886 days ago 1

What do you envy about the opposite $ex?

Havent realy thought about it but maybe Being able to grow ur hair long in shool?????

Mathewn replied 2888 days ago

What are you obsessed with right now?


Mathewn replied 2897 days ago

Don't believe the haters ??

Yea I woant?

Mathewn replied 2897 days ago