hi y u blocked me . ur not interested
ok this my mobile number if want have fun pls mesg me 0434259816
Cute person and best mate of mine
Thoughts on marijana
She is hot and nice person to kick back
favorite song of all time?
Blue Eyes - honey singh
A super power you wish you had?
wanna fly
What are you really good at?
Probably idk
Never knew that you have a gf....
Oh well bad for ya then
Who are you dating?
A pretty chubby shelia
Prettiest girls you met recently out of school
a few
Who would you like thank today and what for?
my guardian for beautiful dinner <3
You are very rude.
I don't even know, what rude is
Smartphone that is on your wishlist?
sick at that ****
Did u came school today?
y do u care
why do you hate dandenong high school?
jks I love this school <3
The biggest mistake you made in your life?
went to dandenong high school
Cutest girl on your class ?
Taylah and Freda
b2h is gay. why r u in it?
I don't think so, mate
you have a crush on gilllian don't you?/ get it bro ;) ;)
Cheers, bro ( inbox me )
tbh stuthie
great mate and cutee <3
who's the cutest?? :P
my crush
top 5 girls in your class-prettiest
all pretty ( taylah, sohalia, meghavi, zoe and jenny )
who would you go out with from your class?
with the cutest one
you're a nice mate and beautiful
top 5 girls in your class-funniest
I just know few of them Zoe,jenny and meghavi
What is your weakness?
talk less
b2h is stupid like what you going to do in year 12 smash people lel
Love my homies (Nohomo)
i know you want me boy
Okay ✌️
Can ya shut up
Main boys
Reza,Alisha ,izat and Tomy (b||h)
If you could delete one thing from this earth what could it be?
The worst thing that happend to you this week?
Collingwood won the game
The most boring person you know?
Science teacher
Your possibly the biggest try hard/f***** i know
In what ?!
top 5 girls in b9 answer properly this time ^.^
Best boys?'
Reza,izat,Alisha and tomy
best batsman in dandy high year 9
The best movie so far in 2014?
top ten pretty girls in your class
No one haha
prettiest girl in your class. don't say dunno, say only 1 girls name
prettest girl in your class
Who do you miss right now?
prettiest african you know?
What was your last date like?
12 th