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Matt Mouvet


Ask or tell me anything you like

326 Replies

Taaaaaaaaylaaaaaa muir aye ;) atta boy xx

Hahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahaha this is the best thing since slice bread

Matt.Mouvet replied 3045 days ago

You are a groggy ****

Yeah I guess you might be right, at least I am not a little b itch that hides behind anonymous haha. I don't even know what groggy **** means ahhaha

Matt.Mouvet replied 3045 days ago 1

Thoughts on kyeesha jones?

Yeah she's a nice girl, wish she could just be honest but we've sorted everything out so all g

Matt.Mouvet replied 3092 days ago

Who would you date at Chaffey, year 8 and 9. :)

Umm no one

Matt.Mouvet replied 3092 days ago

What is the most expensive thing you own ?

Probably this pair of $2 shoes I am wearing

Matt.Mouvet replied 3201 days ago


I get to be your deb partner! You are the coolest and so good to talk to! We many have little fights but we always sort our sht out! We are bestfriends and I love you xx (sort version because you know I could write forever) also you and cooper are the cutest!

Matt.Mouvet replied 3227 days ago 1

Thoughts :) em.duffield

Cool chick, we had our problems but everyone always says sht gets better after the worst part. You are really funny and good to joke around with, hope we can become closer

Matt.Mouvet replied 3281 days ago

thoughts on me cool cat matt eboneenewson

Ebonee, you are the coolest girl and my favourite year 9! You are actually one of my favourite girls. Love how funny you are and how you don't let anyone else's opinion change you. You have one of the best personalities I have had the privilege of coming across and I can tell you are going to do well in life, and that no matter what, you'll be enjoying it every step of the way. You are so trustworthy and I can tell you anything. You are the furtherest thing from annoying, I love spending time with you. Just all round love for you Ebb-Dawg! Loves that invite to your birthday though haha

Matt.Mouvet replied 3285 days ago 1

If you could add a feature to what would that be?

To be able to reveal 1 anonymous sender every week

Matt.Mouvet replied 3352 days ago

thoughts on me Matt dawgggg eboneenewson

Fav year 9! You make me laugh all the time, when around you there is never a dull moment. You're the coolest! Much love Ebb dawgggg

Matt.Mouvet replied 3365 days ago 1

Describe the girl you like


Matt.Mouvet replied 3373 days ago

iPhone,ipad and ipod users ,are you using IOS7 or IOS8 ?


Matt.Mouvet replied 3374 days ago

What is the biggest frustration you’re facing now?

so many people hate me for no reason and most of them have never talked to me.

Matt.Mouvet replied 3385 days ago 5

When we was in the lockers why did you randomly say 'year sevens' and then started cracking up?

Wow, that's not at all creepy...

Matt.Mouvet replied 3390 days ago 2

year 7s are idiots and everyone knows it Heastonn

Aye! Like cat said, they will understand when they are year 10

Matt.Mouvet replied 3391 days ago