Matthew Collins
What have you lied about lately ?
Well, I can tell you I haven't lied about how many goals I've scored in one game
Do u wanna date handsome Angiegal1
Sure, what's your name?
Are you in the Sports development program or Talented player program at SEDA?
SDP, They dogged me because I was in tennis last year :(
A super power you wish you had?
Either Super Speed, Teleportation or Flying
What are you really good at?
I would like to think, soccer
What pisses you off the most?
Smartphone that is on your wishlist?
I already have my wishlist phone
Hows the girlfriend hunt going? asked anyone out yet ?
Nah not great
The biggest mistake you made in your life?
Not taking my soccer seriously sooner
hope the girl you have In mind is your age and not a twelvie! just sayin
Twelvie? If by that you mean you hope she is not 12 years old, then have no fear she is not.
Have you ever had feelings for a friend?
Munro here, love your work matti! Catch up soon xx
Thanks and yeah definitely
Thoughts on Blake roe
He is a pretty cool guy with a moustache...nuff said
I really want u
:D depends who it is whether I want you back
Would you let thien kem *** on your face?
I wonder who this is....? And if I have interpreted those stars correctly my answer would be no
Thoughts on Brea Lanteri?
Friendly, Cute and Happy
thoughts on me fgt... tammjadee
Good Looking, Funny and Nice
Which girl r u in love with Angiegal1
I have a girl in mind but I don't think it is smart me revealing it
Do u have twitter and hw old r u Angiegal1
Nah I don't have twitter, I am 18
Who r u dating
I'm not dating anyone
Who r u dating
I'm not dating anyone
Who r u dating
I'm not dating anyone
Who r u dating
I'm not dating anyone
What is your weakness?
Crashed ur car yet?
Nah too good of driver ;)
What turns you off in a girl/guy ?
When she doesn't like sport
Why aren't you dating anyone
Because no one wants to date me
Are you dating anyone atm
How does ur mum sleep at nite knowing she ****s ppl ova?
I can't understand your spelling too bad
are u a man-scaper?
Once was, currently not.
What is success to you?
Success is doing what you love and being good enough to reach the highest level of what you love. In my case it would be soccer :)
Did you have a win today?
Yep 2-1 :)
So obviously Brimbank have better benches than Gisborne, that's why you chose them, what are they made of?
I wouldn't know, I haven't spent enough time on it.
How can you be the master of the right wing when you actually have the same top speed as a crawling toddler.
Thanks for the complement but you forgot one thing, the toddler has a rocket strapped to its back so it's going super fast, like me ;)
Are you the master of your domain?
If by domain you mean the right wing then yes I am the master of my domain :D
If u like me give me a sign at soccer tonite
Why don't you give me a sign ;)
If you could delete one thing from this earth what could it be?
im too shy until i know if u lik me
Are you a girl?
I mean like like, u cant like like everyone. I don't wanna say until I'm sure u like like me
Facebook me
Still waiting for my crumb touch
I know
I want my crumb touched
What is a crumb
I want to say that I like u but I don't know if u like me cos you won't hint at who it is that u like
I like everybody what is you name
but thats what a 18ths for
It's not in my nutrition plan ;)
well you can't get smashed if ur playin the next day.
I don't get smashed, no probs
dont you have a game the next day?
Yeah, and your point is?
na im busy
I can add you then
well before i ad you tell me what date the party is. if im not busy ill ad you
3rd of May
i dont have you on facebook
Send me a friend request
i guess my invite went missing then
Facebook me and I will send you one
U havin a party for your 18th?
Have you started a game for brimbank yet?
Or do you just sit on the bench the whole time?
Season starts this Sunday
No, now answer me plz.
It has a sufficient amount
I have never played soccer. Heeyyyy, we have that in common
I play soccer
How many letters does her/their last name have?
Do you play soccer?
doesn't matter what section, this is about you and ref
You didn't answer my question about if you play soccer
Well then the letters of all of them.
So what is the first letter of the girl you likes name? Do tell
Who says there is only one girl?
im the best junior player gisborne tennis club has ever had
Because I'm attracted to her. May I have your blessing?
Who am I to come in the way of true love :)
who said I play soccer?
Do you play tennis for gisborne and if so what section?
on a tennis court
Where do you play soccer?
ok he played juniors in croydon. fair number of questions for someone whos strictly women
Ok where do you play?
just say matty! i wont tell anyone..?
no comment
How would you feel if I asked out your sister?
Why would you want to ask out my sister?
Victory. I know your with heart and all....
Has he played soccer before and if so where?
He doesn't play just ref's and is a fan - goes to a-league games alot. Pretty sure hes started reffing State League games now
Who does he support?
you can just say here.... i dont have you on facebook..
Add me :)
Touch my crumb ?
Ok (touches crumb)
did you get in? congrats bro! how come you left gisborne? you have been playing there for years havent you?
Yes and thank you, I left gisborne for a number of reasons. Facebook message me for more details.
A massive soccer fan. He's a ref too
Where does he play and ref?
Would you considering dating a man? Because I know someone who is perfect for you as you're so alike. Such a cute couple.
No I wouldn't, strictly women only. But who did you have in mind?
who are you playing football for this season? noticed you left Gisborne SC
Brimbank Stallions U/18A
Does the person you like go to school with you?
How awesome are you on a scale of 1 to 10?
I'm not awesome :P
Slimey Z....
(Finish the sentence)
Adam's a Slimey Zop with no baites :P
Would you give up everything for soccer?
I would give anything to play pro soccer
What do you like to do the most?
I think that is pretty obvious but it is playing soccer :D
Jks C
Does it end in a r?
What is your first initial?
How about the first name initial?
How about to make it more encrypted the last letter of the first name?
Would you like me too say it publicly?
I don't know we are probably thinking different things
First whom do you have in mind?
No answer though? ;)
Is there someone you have in mind?
For Gisborne?
Why Gisborne?
Does the person you like, like and play soccer?
Do you see the person you like often?
Not often enough
I just got owned. Let me eat my seafood combo in peace.
Hahaha yes...yes you did. :p
Why are you such a fosh carmalden ;) <3
Because zops like you have no baites ;) :p