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Matthew Hetherington


The intelligence level of my answer will depend on your question.

41 Replies

best juniors in nz?

hrmm boys: Roger Rao too good :P haha Victor Pollett, Victor Ma, Roger Wang, Liam Young etc.

girls: Ruofei Rao, Zhiying Cheng, Nai Xin Jiang, Ola Ratka those players.

It's hard for me to keep track of juniors now as I'm more attentive to seniors being 'past it' haha

Matt_Hetherington replied 4351 days ago

i eat kids like you

I'm not a kid and you should probably be in jail

Matt_Hetherington replied 4368 days ago 1

dont lie matthew!!!!!!!!!!!! i saw you smoking it a few weeks back!!!!! sneaky rat ;)

A few weeks back when I was at home in such a condition that I couldn't even leave my house? Yes I'm sure you did.

Matt_Hetherington replied 4368 days ago

do you smoke weed because it smells like you do?

That's the weirdest thing I've ever heard. I've never smoked weed in my life and I never plan to. I smoke cigarettes, but the smell is nowhere near the same.

Matt_Hetherington replied 4368 days ago

Flipping farkatars

Is that supposed to mean something to me? lol

Matt_Hetherington replied 4368 days ago

Ding ding the mail man is here

Get a life! lol

Matt_Hetherington replied 4368 days ago 1

Candy comes from mandy

lol...f*** up

Matt_Hetherington replied 4368 days ago 1

I'm going to the milk bar. Would you like Low fat, no fat, full cream, high calcium, high protein, soy, light skim, Omega 3, high calcium with vitamin D & floride or extra dollup?

I'm lactose intolerant now and I hate soy milk, so no thanks.

Matt_Hetherington replied 4368 days ago

Hey Matt it is Lu Lu i am feeling *****

f*** off Lachy

Matt_Hetherington replied 4369 days ago 1

have you ever taken a shi* so big that it has not flushed?

No. But your question was shi* enuf to probably not flush.

Matt_Hetherington replied 4369 days ago 1

aye you feking hoorrt kent. lets goo aind get sum fish en chips f***in aye? and sum kiwi fruit foor dessert. then *** back to mine n do to me what ya do to sheep aye

I hate kiwifruit, and I cook sheep and eat them so I duno if that's really a good idea for you. Wouldn't mind fish and chips tho :P

Oh and for the record, I would never go back to anyone's house who speaks like a f***ing retard.

Matt_Hetherington replied 4369 days ago 2 1

If ax*x bx c = 0, then what is x?

X is a letter which has been degraded by being violated by algebra

Matt_Hetherington replied 4369 days ago

top 5 hated players from nz

That's a matter of opinion really, you'd have to do a poll or survey :P I think people tend to hate the admin more than the players haha

Matt_Hetherington replied 4369 days ago

Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him for a car ride, he sticks his head out the window. why?

I hadn't noticed that as I've never felt the urge to blow in a dog's face before

Matt_Hetherington replied 4369 days ago

do you even lift?

No, I did last year for crossfit. Deadlifts, backsquat, power clean and snatch and some other weightlifting stuff. So I actually used to life PROPERLY, not your ponsy look in the mirror gym clas* hero shi*

Matt_Hetherington replied 4369 days ago 1