Most expensive thing you have?
Into any sort of sports?
Do you trust your Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
well duh
Who knows you better than your parents?
The first thing you think of after you wake up ?
Her ^_^
Best advice you received about relationships?
forget about them just pay someone
you watch big brother
yes lool
um ok
thoughts on issy? jokes i already know you think shes amazing ty ty
yeah you summed her up quite well
Type of person you would like to marry?
girl me
What do you think is the best feeling in the world?
eating cheese
How did you and your best friend meet?
Something you plan on never doing again?
replying to this question
What would you leave in your will for the person you care about the most?
my favourite block of cheese
3 things that attracts you to a person?
a*s, t***, face
Where do you lift which gym?
The purple gym
Do blind people have dreams?
Most embarrassing moment?
My birth
you are probably the most hated person in year 10
LOL yeah probably, couldn't careless tho
Ever had a crush on a friend if yes ,who was it ?
Is it possible to escape the friendzone ?Give a reason for your answer
Not sure
Iphone vs Android and reason for your choice?
Never had an Android so I am unable to join in on this argument
Name a movie that made you or nearly made you to cry?
I Am Legend, when the dog died one tear dropped
Who are the sticks
People with fast metabolisms
Lol jk ur one of the sticks
Indeed I am, but you are obviously a different anon.
shut the f*** up anon.
Leave him alone, at least he's keen and motivated unlike a whole bunch of the sticks in our year level.
Thanks sir ^_^
why go to a gym? to look big? to be big? going gym isnt going to make a difference your still small and your body hasn't developed yet seriously right now your just being a sheep
and think before you say something before you get dropped
Wtf? What did I say that I should think about? I Gym because I want to be stronger!
You fall too fast and get hurt too easily. I worry about you sometimes.
Fall too fast? Thanks for worrying I guess
hahaha bs your small, best u cant even lift.
he lifts double you? more like five times more than you.
No need to over exaggerate that much, it's like double/triple
Do u even lift cause I see u get beat up by Antonio o
LOOL I technically do but he lifts double me
Y u no go to Ktran on sunday?
didn't get invited
Are you going to K Trans on sunday
Do you think you'll get far in life?
Mmmm that's a tough one, I believe if I am determined & motivated enough I will
One thing that the world does not know about you?
I'm white
Don't self-invite yourself to parties you're not wanted at, just makes guys hate you even more.
Future occupation?
Name 3 people you trust?
Huy, myself and I
Girls you would date at wello?
Top 3 songs on your current music playlist?
****s on a plane 1 2 & 3
Would you take a bullet for a friend even if it kills you?
Hmm only Huy **** everybody else
No Pelee -_-
no one is going to f***ing jump you, if they do, i'll know.
ill make these cowards regret even having the thought of jumping you
^_^ I love you
Watch out tmrw.
Watch what?
Awks, wrong anon ghee
My bad. AHAH -_-
Do you support human cloning and why or why not?
Yeah yeah I want a clone so I could be in two places at once
You better watch out tomorrow.
who would you fck if you were a girl
Which huy?
Huy Nguyen/soccer/sandy
Lots of people are getting annoyed of you at the moment
indeed they have
You keep posting on risa's Qooh.me
not even me, but what ever keep posing as me I don't care anymore
Closest friends?
Lenny and Huy
f*** off you curry lil shi* I don't like Matthew you and he doesn't like me
guess im not gonna ask you questions again, you have shi* replies.
LOL sorry sir :)
if you could hook up 2 people together in your year level who would it be and why?
Hmmm Lenny & Antonio because it would be cute
i wonder why they even invited you, i bet there was a catch, who else went besides the girls?
Vinit, yeah the catch was they are my friends.
Was it double date or what?
No it was not mate.
Why do u ned to no who this is?
Cause you are funny
Didnt vinit go too? Was it a double date?
LMAO Who is this?
Risa and aye are hot you lol..
well in the cinemas Aye was cold so i'm not to sure
There both hot
Yeah the heaters were on
Was it just the 3 of u? Cos Why would 2 babes b hangin out wit you?.v
AHAH yeah I know right I'm ugly and annoying wonder why?
So what of it?
Haha sure you didn't ask her that lmao
I'm 100% positive
Everyone knows you like Aye
That's nice of them!
You posted and said has she licked her t*** why you ask that because you wanna lick them
I didn't LMAO I just said why would you do such a thing mate
Would you slap a parent for $30 Million ?
**** yes
Why do you like aye for?
Why do you ask that question for?
Ayes a popular girl, can't wait until she snaps at u from how annoying u are.v
Yeah me too
Why do you wanna lick risa's tit
I don't....
yea ill talk to you in the face you third wheeler lools- kevin lam
Something you wish to have but cant afford?
wtf does being cocky have to do with me telling who i am? just stfu already before you make a fool outta your self. youre all talk yet physically nothing and you still dont even realise that you need to bloody shut up for once
Lol you're cute, just hide behind your computer s'all good with me
talk how ever you want cause youre a cocky ****
If I'm so cocky and tiny why don't you tell me who you are? As you said no one gives two ****s about me, not like I got anyone to back me up
youre tiny, why be the hard **** for? just stfu already mate no one farken gives two f***ks about you third wheeler
LOOL I am not being a hard ****, I am simply backing up my friend! And I don't care how small I am I'll talk how ever I want
Names for your first daughter
Don't even know hahah!
Do you want to date aye
I don't want to date her, but I would if given the opportunity
Hoy? should i change my name so shi* won't be confused? Advice pls? Thnx bro ;D
If you want go ahead AHAH! It's your name do what you want
f*** i lost my ID
**** you ****s gimme $10 had to buy a new one
I MENT THE OTHER ALEX ....................................
WHICH? Just be more specific....
So the one with Joyce then? Well he's pretty cool, nice guy 101 best kg I know AHAH jokes well Alex you're an awesome friend even though I just met you recently! I CBF doing this sorry sir :(
Thoughts on alex nguyen ? ;)
which one?
lol biggest third wheel
AHAHA yeah bad but yolo :)
Have you ever farted and blamed it on someone else?
LOOOL maybe
Would you ever date Aye be honest
i would
yeah that's right mother ****er!
watch your back.
It's physically impossible to watch your back anon, so no i will not be watching my back
Hottest song right now according to you?
Stalking your mum
Reason for your last breakup?
haven't even had a proper one LOL
fking sook
How am I a "sook"?
Anyone else?
There's actually 4 Andrew Le as well
Who are your closest friends
Aye Zaw, Huy Nguyen And Albert Chorn
Have you ever been friendzoned?
ofcourse who hasn't
stop being a scat **** hiding behind the comp and hoping some girl with like you
ummm ok?
What do you like to do in your free time?
Well I generally just game and watch youtube i don't really have many ways to fill in my spare time ^_^ hbu?