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Matt Sherlock


Ask Anything Qts

129 Replies

What do you think is the best feeling in the world?

When everyone gets along and stops judging you on the way you look or what you wear..

MattyBoy69 replied 4024 days ago

Who do you like


MattyBoy69 replied 4024 days ago

How did you and your best friend meet?

Grew up together! Lived 1 house apart for nearly half my life then yeaaah! And gone to the same schoools(:

MattyBoy69 replied 4028 days ago

Something you plan on never doing again?

wasting my time on people who don't deserve it.!

MattyBoy69 replied 4030 days ago

If you knew you could not fail ,what would you do?

Find a cure for cancer and make it so nobody has to die :( and bring jody back! ;(

MattyBoy69 replied 4034 days ago 1

You have turned into the biggest f***ing flirt since Grace left you... Get back with her and be your usual self we all miss it..

Lol fcuk off! I dont flirt with anybody im allowed friends, i can do what i want. I aint taken so stuff off. Why should i get back with her? She was the one who left me for someone else remember... I am my usual self and i dont change for no-one

MattyBoy69 replied 4034 days ago

Cute skyping today! Awhh sick buddies(; hahha xxxxxxxx Becccaxo

Yes omg! Being sick literally ducks :( hope you get better beautiful xxxxxx

MattyBoy69 replied 4034 days ago

honest thoughts on Dannaeee

Danae(; she's actual so perfect, she doesnt realise it, deserves the best! We havent talked in like forever which s*cks but shes extremely funny and pre cute eh(;

MattyBoy69 replied 4034 days ago

Boo(: hey haven't talked in well ages! Text me I'm of sick again today :( I hurt all over! But anyway thoughts? Make it long cause you love me xxxxxxxx Becccaxo

Awh thats not good.! I have the flu as well :( omg it s*cks. Okay where to start, you're actual one amazing girl, we've gotten so close recently and its honest amazing! You're really nice and sweet and also really pretty! You're easy to get along with and quite a cutie(; you helped me get through that rough patch that time and i thank you for that<3 you be beautiful and you honest deserve the best, fcuk what anybody says haha! You're perfect boo! Love youuuu as a maate(; otherwise people will try accuse us of getting ins hahah xxxxxxxx

MattyBoy69 replied 4036 days ago 3

Sherlock homes

Yeah what m8

MattyBoy69 replied 4038 days ago

Do you still like grace?

Why is it any of your business

MattyBoy69 replied 4038 days ago

You suit grace (;;


MattyBoy69 replied 4038 days ago

Thoughts? x

thoughts on??

MattyBoy69 replied 4038 days ago 1

Your se*y

lies, its all you whoever this is. mail me(;

MattyBoy69 replied 4038 days ago

Would you ever get back with grace?

not to sure. possibly. just real confused

MattyBoy69 replied 4038 days ago