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Thanx skat nd yes, i have 2 boys.
uthanda iyndaba. R u married? Nd rich? Dont do broke as* niggas no more!
Not sure, maybe!
I miss Ofentse da most nd da least is da recent 1.
Haaw kodwa Mr Kubheka, ungsuka ngan nje kodwa? Awume kancane! Thanx 4 loving me tho...
my 2 boys r enaf.
da 1st 1 was in 2008 nd da 2nd 1 was 2010.
Wow! Owk! I neva saw dat *****. I dnt knw da kid nd i dnt knw whether theyl last, they r da least of my problems ryt nw.
I cnt comment on dat bt i think i havent changed. Just dat my angels r my 1st priority!
Aybo. I dnt have a man. U can be mine mawunemal.
lmfao. No. Y? R u a condactor?
Well, thanx 4da complement skat! Maybe in 2yrz time il *** my dreadz!
sesizokaka kahle nabo basikake...
Hahahaha! Really?
I do, even thoug, its hard 2find bt i do!
only if da ryt dude ***s along, then im game. Bt i wnt get married afta da age of 35yrz!
Thank u skat. I do atleast 50 sit-ups evriday nd i drink warm water!
Uthanda iyndaba! Sit down asseblief!
my FB password! *kidding* ive neva thought of dat yaz!
i just dont have *ex @all!
no i wouldnt. Go ask him 2 have *ex with u, i heard he does both, boys nd gals. Hamba uyozizwela *****!
Y not? I would blive u since i dnt knw u! Bt ungathathi ama chance!
she is we ou! Shes really on a personal vendetta!
i wouldnt!
Did he send u? I wouldnt go back dear!
Who said i find it easy? Trusting-no. Bt i always give a person da benefit of da doubt, i dont jugde!
baningi kakhulu, bt im close 2 Sthabi, Matha, Thandile nd Samu. Id like 2 keep al of them bcoz i love them. Therez neva a dull moment manginabo!
Mbali Jele. Shes 1 biatch who can tel me wen im wrong or ryt nd always has my back. Shes 1 lady who undastands me nd my weirdness.
its nature mntanam, i came with it la emhlabeni! Am i da 1st person u know othanda ucansi? U want an autograph?
do u blive it tho? Sqale lapho!
im very happy hey! I havent achieved a lot bt i knw im very close 2 have al da things ive wished 4. I dnt live a life ful of regrets coz evrithing i do, i always knw da outcome at da end.
uphumaph wena thina sbuya khona? I have 2 vibrators dear, TWO! Does dat ansa ur que?
very true babe! Nd akena nako waitse! Love u more hun!
il ansa dat question only wen u promise 2 offer me a job!
No 1 dear! Da guy i had a crush on, we ended up dating. I wasnt scared of nun!
Married my as*! U dnt knw him anyway, dnt bother asking!
awume tu nge Mariston, sewuyangibhora. Ungbuyisela emumva! Nd no, ive neva dated 1 bathong!
I have more dan 5 or rather 10 dear so u cnt expect me 2 write al of them! Really now!
Plz tel me who u r 1st b4 we take dat route yoku inboxana!
Hahaha. Nah my dear, he's not. I wish he was tho!!!
If i can, y not??
Hehehe. I don't actualy! Who r u dude? I dnt mic him even 1 bit?
y is it a bad idea? Shes in da top5 of da sweetest ppl i've eva met! I wish i was her frnd then, id be a beta woman! Shes very inteligent nd wise! Satisfied??
lol. Kahle Sthe, its a long complicated story!
ngfana nawe! Ngizithanda strong, suprisingly im not on twitter yet, clearly ukthanda izinto lokho kuwe doouchbag!
lmao. Ay ngeke, u asking 2much anonymous. U Berry nd i was 16, turning 17 was doing Matric!
dat was yearz ago! If o boa ka Lebo, shes da only gal whos now my frnd who use 2date my ex. Just say da name dude, ungasab...
ive done it b4, 3times already nd yes, id do it again! With a gal nd a guy tho!
name plz! Which ex is dat nd whos da lady? Bt briefly, i dnt have enemies, i hate enemies. If ukhuluma ngoLonwabo, shes a real lady nd unfortunatly, da ex is da 1 whos a dog!
**** happened hey! I think im no longer seaking attention as i use 2! Nd ya, im grown!
ye i am, just dat they arnt all on FB nd i dnt have al their dials, bt im cool with dat. Blondie doesnt have da word 'beef' on her vocab except okwenyama!
Aybo! Lmao. Bcoz i dnt wana die poor! Lol. Phuma kim!
Dat i hate men with money!
Hahaha, 4 me 2 knw nd 4u neva 2 find out!
Talkative, fun nd freespirited