Most attractive girls you know?
Mmmmm Anna
Snapchat name?
I knew u & Anna would finally get back together.
Mmm yeah haha
You and Anna!!!
What the fuuuuuuuck, please stop nothings happening haha
Rumor has it u & Anna r gettin back together?
Wtf? Haha that's not true?
Are you getting with anyone?
Ahhhh nooo
I want to kiss Anna & Annabelle were they good
Yeah :)
Best kiss?
No one really it all feels the same unless you s*ck
Kiss or miss
Lauren r
Lani Payne
Jess E
Meaghan low
Ella Francis
Louise Francis
Sophie Teuma
Olivia turner
Lauren Miss, Lani kiss, Jess? Wtf haha, meaghan miss, Ella kiss, Louise **** that, Sophie miss, Olivia maybe
Should get with liv Howell? She's keen?
Is this liv talking? Haha
Shame, you two were perfect
What happened to you and Anna? Will told me he thought you two would go out
Don't actually know, just stopped talking
Yeah who's the attractive girl on your bus?
5 hottest girls at New haven year nine?
Annabelle, Brittany, Amy, Annnnnnd Kate, don't really know any others
What year is she?
The girl on my bus?
Well you hate me hahah
Who are you? I probably don't
Do you have any attractive girls on your bus?
Um yeah, 1
Surely there's more attractive girls in yr 10? Give me 10 of them?
Um haha Eden is good looking
Why do you hate so many people ? Ha
I don't?
Top 10 newhaven girls year 10?
Ahhh bank, imi, and... Yeah
Attractive girls from Newhaven year 9, 10 and 11
9: Annabelle, Amy and And Britt Burke.
10: bank and imi
11: Ella and Jana
Did will piasente kiss someone at the prom?
Thoughts on: Anna Kirk, Caitlyn Scott, Shaye Wilson & Olivia Howell. :)
Anna. That is it
Who is the best looking girl you personally know?
Umm I don't have a clue haha
Out of Tay Mac, Casey Mac, Tay b, Louise, and Bianca who would you marry!
Probably **** off
hottest yr 8s and 9s?
Year 8: Anna Kirk, year 9: not sure
Casey m
Who is this talking?
Would you get with cm?
You are the biggest ***hole I know, you're an ***hole to everyone. You don't deserve a girl
Thanks :)
Favourite 7,8,9 any school
Fav year 7 right now is probably Tom Murray, year 8 is Anna and Brooke and year 9 nick and zane
Have *ex with me, *exy boy
Closest friends?
Nick Anderson zed tonkin will piasente and Zane javier
I want to take your virginity
Ummm thanks? Haha
Thoughts on casey mcintosh??
Really good looking, and nice :) going to miss her now she is going to wonni :(
Who're you talking to?
Ummm Daniel piasente??
thoughts on Ellie Connell, Georgia Butterfield, Jaquelina and Molly Thomson?
Ellie is so funny, and good looking... Love playing xbox with her hahaha Georgia is really nice also only really met her once, Jax is such a cool chick, really nice and really good looking. Does not like me now though haha and Molly I don't really know but from what I have herd she is really nice :) she is also really attractive
Thoughts on imi Langford, Jess Naskopoulous, Mia Wilson and April Barlow
I know that Imigen doesn't like me. But is really attractive and nice, don't know Jess. Mia is funny and attractive and April is a little retarded haha but good looking
Thoughts on Casey macintosh and Bianca Neal?
Casey is a good friend :) I enjoy hanging out with her and she is attractive.
Bianca was a good friend not really close now.
Why do you only care about the looks?
I don't ? I probably care more about personality.
who would make a good girlfriend?
I don't know?
do you want a girlfriend?
I want to kiss you
Shut the f*** up
Who are you meeting this weekend?! :o
Why are you asking!?
I want to kiss you
Then tell me who you are? Haha
If you could kiss one girl from Mary Mac, Wonthaggi and Newhaven. Who would they be?
Mary mac would be Lauren Mitchelson.
Wonthaggi would be Molly Hamilton.
Newhaven would be Jana Humbert.
Who is this gurl you are catching up with this weekend? Who? So confused!
You don't need to worry haha
from any year
I don't know
I promise we'll catch up soon! ;) Haha.
That's good! This weekend :) xx
Your such a lovely boy max :) x
Who are you trying to get with ?
you should kiss sarah
I would
if you say you're not all about looks, name some girls with the best personalitys from your school
From what year?
prove it, who would you get with then that's not considered as popular or hot as them?
I can't really say becasue tht would be mean?
Can I be you're girl friend?
are there any girls you're trying to get with that aren't in that group of 4?
Yep. I relised how dumb I was being wanting to haha to et with them haha I just went for looks nothing else but now I relised. Haha so yeah there is.
My god you are that hot.
Tell me who you are
do you want a girl friend?
Do you want to? :P
Not yet
Would you get with me ?
How am I sposed to answer that? I don't even know who you are?
You are so hot Max! Wish you actually knew how keen I actually am on you! Haha. Because when we talk it's like you don't understand how f***ing se*y I think you are!
Did you give tommy gobbies Saturday after the the toora game in the shower at your house
Yeah, that was a funny one
Oh what happened? :/
Doesn't matter.
Got your eyes on anyone? Who?
Did untill this last night, not sure if I do now...
How many girls have you kissed ?
I don't know? I don't count? Haha
You are the biggest **** ever I wish I never met you!!
Then tell me in really life so I know not to talk to you...?
you're attractive
Thanks. Who are you?
a girl from year 8, 9 and 10 that's attractive, nice, funny, smart (whole package)
Year 8~ I don't really know anyone well enough to say that about them form year 8. And year 10 but year 9 would probably be.........casey mac
3 year eight girls you would kiss?
Annabelle, April, Mia
10 girls from your school that you want to or would kiss
Sophie t
name 5 or 10 girls with nice b*ms
Alana Blanchard
Do you still dance in your room to party rock?
Yeah it's so good
Thoughts on
Jasmine holland and Jess naskupoulous
Umm Jasmine, attractive I guess but don't really know you, and don't really know you either Jess
You used to be kinda an as* to propel but now you so nice!! And funny I like this new max
Thank you :)
Have you been to Wilson prom?
Yes :)
Remember when u like loved akon when u were younger? Do u still??
I don't remember that but okay haha
who's better looking?
Olivia or Georgia turner
sarah or Emily burns
Bianca or Eliza Neal
Casey or Taylah Mac
Olivia or tayla baumann
Ella or Louise Francis
Ahhhh haha I don't really want I answer because it's mean? Haha
I think I'm in love with you
Think I love you too
Best friends
Nick Anderson, zane Javier, zed Tonkin and casey mac
thoughts on sarah burns?
Very attractive and really nice :) enjoy talking to her
What do you think of Mia Wilson?
Attractive and funny :p
You and Lilly?
Why about me and lily!?
Didn't yours have a thing ?
Ahhh what?
Thoughts on the Swedish girl? Lilly hakkanson is it ?
Umm I don't know?
Thoughts on Imigen,Casey,Bianca and the two Olivia's
Casey~very attractive and a good friend :) I hope...
Bianca~ attractive.
Liv t~ good looking really good personality and out going :)
Liv b~ really nice and funny :) good to hang out with
You so attractive I would kiss you anyday
How come lily wasn't in your top 5?
Becasue she wasn't in the top 5? Haha