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6 Replies

thoughts on jamie marangos

She so nice, funny, pretty and good to talk to

Mayaaaaaaaaaaa replied 3936 days ago


I have heaps :)

Mayaaaaaaaaaaa replied 3938 days ago

Thoughts on me ❤ Rominaaaaxo

I love you so much I tell you literally everything, you funny and so nice pretty ❤️

Mayaaaaaaaaaaa replied 3945 days ago

Thoughts? leo21

Really good friend, can trust you with anything and good to talk to xo

Mayaaaaaaaaaaa replied 3945 days ago 1

thoughts on mee Parissaa

I love you so much bumble bee I tell you everything and trust you with it all Your so pretty and always make me laugh like I'm a crazy person

Mayaaaaaaaaaaa replied 3946 days ago

Long honest thoughts on me :) Jamesgianna

You like my bestfriend I tell you everything I could possibly know. I know that I can trust you with everything. Honestly james your like the brother I never had, I know that you'll always be there for when I need you and yeah I know we have our ups and downs but I know that we can't stay mad at each other for long! I love you so much ❤️

Mayaaaaaaaaaaa replied 3946 days ago 1