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Mwah! P.s-only lf l knew who u wre l was gonna say something more meaningful
Hai that girl, she should just learn 2 keep her negetive comments 2 herself sometimes, she really annoyed the f*** out of me, l wasnt gonna hit her, l just shouted @ her lark as*!! Lol, l aint much of a fighter, my powerful point is Talking, so that got her attention!
I dont **** guys8o..and even if der wre names i wuldnt tell u
Yoh der r alot of beautiful gurls at hard feelings...mara da most prettiest coloured is Chanique's fwend..dno her name mara yah!!..
lmao!! fart is sumthng u cant hold in if u wanna burst owt in farting go head!!'s natural i try not 2 fart in public..u may nver knw hu's looking:)
Thato!!..such a dumb-as* kido u r..It\'s a plega:)
lol..uhm..DaT's a really hard 1 darso hey..i love dem all..share da same fwendship wid thse 2..Lesedi and Thato..dey stand up 2 me alot!!
DaRLing..we cant stick 2 da sme ppl every year..DF nd da Qd'zZ have been fwends 4 lark a very long tym!!..It's tym 2 see da world nd experience life! moves on..
Yoh..#i think i know hu axd me dis..u wana exPose me here!!#...Babes..It has nothing 2 do wid you..
Nope no1 has besyds yuo oviasly..nd if u think i'm rude..we'll baby..dat's how i roll!!..
*****!!..don\'t make it my problem no1 wants u..hao#rolling eyes#..nd i aint all over..i jst have aloTs of Guy fwends
NcWaH!!..thnx doll!!..#end-less y u annoymous..
...not studyn 4 my test and/or wonder im gettn such poor nd wwhhhcccqqq marks
all qdz..sum oda grlz nd sum guyz..r my best fwendz...i think i can trust gomolemo,phizo nd sentle nd ofcurz da qdz wid da biggest newss...besydz me:...qdz...all guy fwendz...gomolemo,sindy nd im a well behaved kido! i dont cauz no1 has fought 4 m cauz ive nver been in a fight
#thinkn..well actualli....truth tym..all Qd'z are pwidi..we have dem dark dindies(me nd gugu)..dem yellow bones(sedi nd lulu)..nd dem brownies(thato nd joy)..we all unique in a special kinda way!!
lmao!!..well i wuldnt really say "annoy" in dat format..i'd rather say "irritates"..dey all irrtate me alot bt my number my fwend Joy(..i love she has her momentz)..nd we fight alot!..but stil love her...
lmao!! well no actuali#itz been a whle nwo..lyk 2yearz ago yah!! not nwo
llol..#dont make me laugh#...helll no!! havent even thot bwt it...
lmfao!! we jst really tight fwendz nje
i aint d8n any1 #smiles
that im not a virgin8o
lmao!! fwend#Mr Green