Mbanasie Lindeirey
Hey! Hw u bin? Tadah gud,holidei'z borin!
Sup witchu?
unagona kuti?
dnt i woke up home!lol!
Wat z yo favourite plant? VinValdez
Tha one i cn eat,smoke n decor8 ma room wth!
How sick?
So sick i cn f*... ur b...!
Kodi ndiwe ndani?:)
How high?
So hy i cn touch tha sky!
Haha,so its tru dat u r virgin?
Ehem...i thnk i alrdy ans.d ths question!
Do u thnk u r gud @ *ex?
Well...evry guy thnks he is,lemmi try it 1st.wil get bk atcha!
kashoe kaja mawa kalipo
Haha,u knw i alwez gt dat bruh.u ent gta ask,halla @mi!
kashoe kaja mawa kalipo?
Haha,u knw i alwez gt dat bruh.u ent gta ask,halla @mi!
R u gay?
No! Js stylish!:)
Heard ur gf z away @ xul,wth ur addictions do u think u can manage a long distance relationship?
Wat addictions?
Am managing ryt nw!!
Hi,how was your day?
It ws alryt,apart 4m tha blakout it ws gud.hope urz was gud2!
I lyk ur lips,can i kiss 'em? then ma galfrend will hav 2 kill u!:)
Bt it tru dat u r a virgin?
Cm n fynd out!:)
R u a virgin?
Ha-ha! Smtymz!!
I lyk u,2 bad u have gf!
I thnk u cute!
Not a hey...thanks!:)
Dude,u have a gud gal...why dont you treat her better?
Who sed i dont trit ha gud,neva heard ha complain b4...or myb she did 2 u?
Is thea any1 from ur past u wud lyk 2 c agen?
My gr8 grandma,she ws a very lovin n carin woman!
Mba hv u eva cheatd on ur present garl? wat if i hav?
Ukufuna kundithetsela banja iwe eti?
Why havent you ever dated on campus before?
Havent met tha ryt gal i ges...
Is it true that u & psp were tag-teaming on a certain as* on campus?
Haha! U crazy!
Nah! Pete z lyk a brutha we share alot of thngs bt 1 of em z nt galz!lol!
Do u hav any regrets?
Yeah...all tha moments i dint kiss ha,or @lst tel'ha hw i feel!
She'z ayt,awei @ xul.mis ha lyk crazy! Hw'z he?:)
Mis u 2 sis,hape 2 c ur smile tho.luv ur pic!
Did u n khumbo hav a thng on the low?
U r mistekin mi wth sm1,she'z alwz bn nuffn bt a very gud frend!:)
Z marie utsale sweet?i thnk u r fairly clos kapena she pretends.
She'z swt,bt we all pretend smtymz...
Howz marie lyk ku xul?cul or sweet?
She'z swt 2 mi,dnt knw bout tha otha she cul!
Abt breakin up with ur gal. What situation would cause a brk up?
y a u owez with ha bt sh z not urs
Cz she'z ma frend en i care bout ha!:)
Nem any gal huz smile u lyk
Alota gals koma ma bay khumbo i ges...
who z the 2nd cute gal on compas
Du u thnk ul b breakin up wt ur current galfrnd soon?
Wow...cnt sei,ges it dependz on tha situation!
do u still have feeling for apatsa mabeti?
Haha,who told u i hav feelingz for ha?
If u knw i eva had feelingz 4 ha then u shud knw hw i feel bout ha nw!:)
Wat do u lyk in a gal?
Wth mi it ent no tellin..u js hav 2 blow ma mynd,b amazin!
Have you ever had a crush on a guy before?
On masef!
praise...wat hapnd kuti nathng shd u stp coz of d current gf o coz sm dude waz goin afta praise
Wel...i ges she js dint feel tha way i did bout ha,en it tuk mi 4yrz 2 realyz dat,damn!
Have you ever cheated on any of the girls you've dated?
Awh my...
Yes! Bt its nufn am proud of,it ws immature n selfish!
How did the nickname chizude come about?
Anyamata a gulu wud ans. ths 1,ine ndinangolandira!
name the gal u dat u've ever truly loved
It hs 2 b Praise!
Haha,i hope she wnt c ths!
Wat about alipo or mb*mba?
Alipo...honestly i lykd tha gal koma guyz n 6 inch nailz med tha mission impossibo so i hd 2 abort(tha rest wea liez). I knw Mb*mba b4 goin 2 BUNCO so i ws js bein a frend bt i ges that ws misteken 4 smthn else then ma hataz aja anapanganso yawo ija!lol!
I always wanted to know what happened between you and Praise,you guys ever dated?
Haha,i wish i knew who's askin ths 1!lol!
Nufn happened,ges dat means we dint d8!
wats the happiest moment in ur lyf
Wen am spendin tym wth family n pps i consida my true frendz,en 2 sei tha truth...thei nt that many!
nthng is wrong with me u said we should be asking anythng we like anonymously. I wndr wtf iz wrng with you?
Haha! Thea r nt called holes cz dat wud b impolite,n Fines...well,wat if thei r nt fine?
Sori if i ws a lil 'impolite' thea!:)
If people from Poland are called
Poles, why aren't people from
Holland called Holes and from
Finland Fines?
Ask mi smthn bout mi,nt holes n poles. Wtf z wrong wth u?
Nem any gal u admire most from yo xu?
I thnk she'z a gud gal!
Longest n shortest relationshps n wth who?
Longest-4 yrz wth Roxanne,shortest-3 wks wth Akullie!
Whats the relevant of MDG's to the government of Malawi
How many galfrendz have u had so far?
gud2.watchu up2?
Nufn rilly,chillin wth tha boiz,enjoyn ma holidei!
z t true ur a flirt?
Nt rilly,am js swt n charmin!:)
do u stil hv feelingz for flora chipiri?
Wats your biggest fear?
inuso mumapezeka pano? haha! im h8n frm all do u knw hu i z?
Kodi ukuopa chani?whoz th prettiest gal on campus?
Tadala wa yearo!hape nw?
is it tru afta nelly u went 4 mpha mwale?
Nah,its tha otha way round!:)
Whos th most beautiful gal in D2 according 2 u?
i wud sei...Bbb...haha! nt faƬr!
Describe yourself in 3 words?
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
4 bikes pa yearo!lol!
Damn hataz,i thnk it ws only 1/2!
Who are you dating currently
Ms Banda!;)