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Meagan Jane


Ask me about animals.

169 Replies

if a straw has two holes then how many holes does a ring(example: wedding ring) have

One. It’s not a tube! Do you consider your digestive system to be ONE HOLE?

McaganCamper replied 2457 days ago

what’s your spirit animal

IDK maybe an elephant or a dog

McaganCamper replied 2457 days ago

do you swallow or chew yogurt

Swallow ;))

McaganCamper replied 2457 days ago

does a straw have one hole or two


McaganCamper replied 2457 days ago

You're not all that great, you know

I think I’m pretty great. All that great, actually! How are you?

McaganCamper replied 2467 days ago

Do you and Lin and Louis still talk? I miss seeing your shenanigans on the tl.

Shenanigans lol. I talk to Lin. Not talking to Louis right now. Well, more so he’s not talking to me.

McaganCamper replied 2487 days ago

What do you think about fl relationships that end up turning into rl ones?

I think that if that’s something both people want to explore then that’s great. I think fl is a great way to meet people you wouldn’t otherwise, and gaining real life friends and sometimes even partners is really cool. Yeah, they don’t always work out and I think there can be some difficulties or maybe unrealistic/unexpected parallels between a fl and rl relationships but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with them as long as that’s what people want. I think they’re really cute.

McaganCamper replied 2505 days ago

Can you describe, in lengthy detail, your best hug of all time?

I’ve had this in my inbox for a while trying to see if I could remember one in great detail. But the answer is any with my husband. We’ve hugged a lot and every one is my favorite because he’s so warm and comforting and loving. If I had to think of one, it would probably be one of the times I got back from a trip after being gone for a while, like a week, and I came to his house and he picked me up at the door and hugged me tight before he carried me upstairs so we could cuddle and be together. He was always so happy to see me when I got back from a trip, like, he’d smile so big and be full of energy when we’d get to see each other. We’d go into full cling mode. Also I really like the hugs we have after a fight when we make up and apologize and stuff. Those are really comforting and special and I feel like an important thing to do after having an argument or disagreement. I just really like hugging him. Sorry for taking forever to answer this but thanks for asking!!! :)

McaganCamper replied 2516 days ago


I think, like, teasing/playful dirty talk. Yep.

McaganCamper replied 2540 days ago

What is the worst text that you accidentally sent to the wrong person?

I’ve never sent a bad accidental text! Only just random simple things to the wrong person.

McaganCamper replied 2544 days ago

What should people stop buying?


McaganCamper replied 2555 days ago

I love how paranoid you are after getting locked out of your account.

lol. I wouldn’t say I’m paranoid. I’m not like biting my nails freaking out. I literally just don’t want to get locked out of my account again because it kinda s*cks so I’m just being cautious. Would you not be? I love how obsessed you are with me though. I’m genuinely interested in why you care so much.

McaganCamper replied 2555 days ago 2

Yo I think you’re swell. Like, extra swell. Swole.

Oh wow! Thank you!

McaganCamper replied 2555 days ago

You ever gonna unprotect your tweets?

Omfg why

McaganCamper replied 2557 days ago

What makes you happy?


McaganCamper replied 2562 days ago