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I don't know! Some Nokia ring tone I don't even use my phone so how should I know?
My Squealy! You are my beautiful girl! I love you so much, my best friend since we we're small! You are kind, caring and considerate! You are an honest person and isn't afraid to admit anything! Keely May you just so beautiful and you don't need to hide it! Love you lots Squeals Ps. Get Better! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Pps. Only 40 more days until the big day! Pps. Only 38 more days until the fun night! Ppps. I know what to get you for your birthday
All my friends..
Being me and fitting in
People that think they are better than you but they are just the same as you, and people who think hey can judge and make fun of other for being different
Shutting out people
Why do you ask Annon
Keely, she was my only childhood friend who kept in touch.
A few days ago.....