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who tf uses qoohme anymore

148 Replies

honest opinion on this swaggy biatch natasha.a

Absolutely insane but one of my absolute favourite people. You're ridiculously pretty and have the funniest laugh. One of the only people who never fails to make me laugh and I can't count the amount of times you've made your mascara run from laughing. Best friend I could ask for and just pretty perfect tbh x

MegNich.lls replied 3584 days ago 1

**** the haters, yo xx EmmaBeadle

They just wish they had my talent to stay up till four in the morning

MegNich.lls replied 3584 days ago

what the hell since when did you have qooh me natasha.a

Last year s*ck my as* slow poke

MegNich.lls replied 3585 days ago 1

No one ever qoohs you MegNich.lls

I know aye more people should

MegNich.lls replied 3591 days ago 2

Ever had your heart broken? If so by who?

I dropped my pizza once

MegNich.lls replied 3598 days ago 1

You mother fuçker don't you dare tell meg to fuçking neck herself you pigheaded dog fuçking leave me the fuçk alone she doesn't need your **** she's fuçking lerfect and has many great friends so kindly leave please Emilydainton

Haha thanksss x

MegNich.lls replied 3598 days ago

Leave meg alone, **** don't you have better things to do than ****ing pick on her
Love you meg sampell

love ya Sam xx

MegNich.lls replied 3598 days ago

how many instas do u have???

2 but one of them isn't a personal

MegNich.lls replied 3602 days ago

Finally man up enough o answer my question, bet u think ur so fûckn clever coz u corrected my spelling. And I thought I already said u don't have friends lol everyone hates u just neck urself already

I didn't man up I just went on qoohme for the first time in like 4 months? And I don't think I'm clever because I corrected your spelling, I just think you're an idiot. You never said I didn't have friends you said you don't know how I had them and I'm pretty sure I already explained myself with that one. And hey, if you neck yourself first, I PROMISE I will. Pinky swear

MegNich.lls replied 3602 days ago 1

Thoughts cuz? EmmaBeadle

Best memories, made me watch the conjuring (****ing Lorraine), really pretty, always someone I can trust and know I can have a good time with. Gayest at making video stars hahaha and so pretty, couldn't ask for a better cuz x

MegNich.lls replied 3602 days ago 1

Meg you just made me so happy Emilydainton

Love you x

MegNich.lls replied 3602 days ago

Thoughts? xx Emilydainton

Friends for the longest time, probably the person I trust most, only person who knows my crush hahaha, so pretty oh my god, have the best moments with you doing weird **** back in grade five haha, we need to catch up more and I love ya to bits xxxx

MegNich.lls replied 3603 days ago 1

You're beautiful ❤️ don't let anyone tell you differently

Cutest x

MegNich.lls replied 3603 days ago 2

Haha ur such an ugly **** I swear I don't no how u actual have friends

You're* know* you* Actually* If your friends like you cause you're pretty I'm not exactly jealous. I've got good friends who like me cause idgaf about my looks and I make a good joke now and then so if you could please leave your negativity at the door that'd be great

MegNich.lls replied 3603 days ago 2

Thoughts? Xx hayleyy21

Prettiest girl, best laughs, absolute freak at netball, best to have in homegroup, known ya since like grade two and just a good as friend

MegNich.lls replied 3603 days ago 1