Why do u hang out with Tristan he is weird and could be gay
He may be weird but he's my friend and definitely not gay
Since Kayla Left are you taking her place ?
What on earth do you mean? Kayla is her own person and i am my own person we are 2 totally different people so please explain.
Haha ? it was Candace ❤️❤️??love you girl xxx
I knew it???❤ love you loads xxx
Starts with a C
Probably Candace❤
Can u guess who said your so damn gorgeous?
I have no clue, please tell me??
You are such a beautiful creature xx love you so much Amylou2003
So are you special ❤❤ love you tooo xx
Megs you are so damn gorgeous
Thank you ❤X im sure you are too, too bad i don't know who this is xx
Try it
I did and it didnt work.. do you have my number to message me?
Actually the most ticklish way to tickle bare soles is by gently brushing them with a hairbrush! Thoughts on that?
Welll its possible i guess
And can I think about DMing you?
Yeah i guess just really wanna know who this is. Do you have my number?
Believe it or not fingernails a bit FIRMLY on bare soles is wayyyy more ticklish then lightly! thoughts?
DM you in what?
Instagram or if you have my number then you can whatsapp me
Well what do you think is more ticklish on bare soles out of tickling them using fingertips or fingernails? And how firmly?
(If you had to guess)
Probably finger nails but i don't know
Wanna know the most ticklish ways to tickle bare soles?
Haha ok? Please DM me i wanna know who this is? cause you just made me laugh so hard?❤
So where are his worst places do you think?
Um not to sure
What’s tummy tickling like on him?
Average?? i don't know
how do u know its soles
I just googled it??
Have you seen his tummy being tickled?
Yes i have
megan is it souls or soles ??
Can I think about it?
Ya sure.. but can you atleast tell me if you a boy or a girl?
How can I be sure? You probs think I’m weird
Just please tell me.. i promise i won't think anything bad of you.
You will laugh at me tho
No i won't please just tell me who you are
Hard to tell you who I am
So then DM me?
If he was tied up stretched out and blindfolded so he couldn’t see you how long would you tickle him non stop?
Um thats a weird question
So with his feet is it his toes or his soles more ticklish do you think?
Umm more under his foot but ive never seen his feet get tickled he just told me that its where hes ticklish?now please tell me who you are ?
And have you ever seen him pinned and properly tickled?
The one time i was sitting next to him and Jordan and i started tickling him and he fell on the floor so ya i guess ??
Are those ticklish spots on Declan guesses? Or you’ve seen them tickled?
Well ive seen people tickle him.. we always togther at dbrief( if you know what that is) and lots of people always tickle him
Lol how old is he? And what do you guess his ticklish spots are in order?
14 um stomach then feet then his knees?
Guess who I am
I wanna say Misty but im not sure?
Lol define “definite way too ticklish” as in Declan
He laughs when you've hardly touched him ?? who is this??
So who are the most ticklish kids you can think of who you know? If you had to guess some- girls and boys
Misty- thats a definite
Declan- he is definitely way to ticklish ??
?wot exactly are ur “bare soles”?
I dont even know
Roughly what ages were you at your most ticklish do you think?
Um maybe 9 or 10 not to sure
Thoughts on tickling?
Not to sure
Do you like my unicorn @jellybean?????
Oh yassss?
Yes this is who you think it is?
Missttttyyyy how you Bob❤??
Wow! What age do you think your tummy and your soles stopped being ticklish?
Um im not to sure but im no longer that ticklish cause everyone tickles me so i just adjusted i guess
Even your BARE soles?
Promise i am not
What about ticklish on your tummy and your soles?
Nope, ask anyone close to me i am not?
I’m bored again ??loves you ❤️
You are special ?❤
Whats Your favourite sport and why?
Defs hockey cause i just enjoy it i guess?
Hahahahaha liar! EVERYONE is ticklish and everyone knows that!
I said i was ticklish im just not that ticklish?
How ticklish are you and where?
Im not that ticklish like on a scale from 1-10 probably 2?and on my knee?
Hey megs xx ??it’s candy I’m bored ?
Hey Candy xx lots of love for you??❤
Please Date me
Um please DM me first ??X
Is it true you like Jason Davis?
No, hes a great friend though ?