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Go ahead x

59 Replies

Are you registered on this site  ?
There are registered a lot of women who want $ex.
Make sure yourself ;) cassies123

What the hell is wrong with u what makes you think I would do something like that I'm 13 what is wrong with you !!!

Meganvr2003 replied 3041 days ago 1

How did you meet your best friend ?


Meganvr2003 replied 3049 days ago

What's the weirdest thing you've caught someone doing?

Singing the lyrics of a song they don't know

Meganvr2003 replied 3067 days ago

Buddie ❤ Nono_x

Gorgeous buddie x

Meganvr2003 replied 3071 days ago 2

Megan❤You are one of the most beautiful girls I know?Love you? Amy_Jessica.

Amy x u are the most amazing person Eva xx love you too xx

Meganvr2003 replied 3071 days ago 2

I hope your day wasn't ruined by these low life people ❤
Lemme know if uu find out who this is and I'll sort them out for uu ✊
You're beautiful both inside and out (partly why i chose uu as my buddie) , ?and I'm here for uu if uu need anything x Nono_x

Thank you so much best buddie ever xx luv ya girl xx thanks I'll *** to u if I need anything x

Meganvr2003 replied 3072 days ago 2

Dont worried about them Meg the have nun better to do so that pick on everyone alse . dont listent to them they r just trying to get attention Orange123976

Thanks Sarah x luv u girl !x

Meganvr2003 replied 3072 days ago 1

Megan don't worry about the people who just feel the need to dwell in others lives instead of living their own because those people just need to go s*ck a truck and live their own lives no matter how much their lives s*ck.........Guess who

Omg I luv u so much xx .. Sommer or kaity or Amy one of them x

Meganvr2003 replied 3072 days ago 2

And I want u to answer all of these

Well I'm not answering all of them

Meganvr2003 replied 3072 days ago 2

But I don't want attention like u, I have problems... And if ppl found out I would kill myself, so stop acting like u have a cutting problem, it's really just pathetic

Well guess wat u r just a hater its not my problem my life is better than ures I really am sorry abt all the things u go thru but if u don't mind plz just leave me alone

Meganvr2003 replied 3072 days ago 6 1

My life is crap, be happy urs isn't the same

Well guess wat Im sorry to hear that but I don't do it for attention I just can't lie to my friends and stop tryna ruin my life

Meganvr2003 replied 3072 days ago 2 1

I starve for days, I don't sleep for days, I have tried To kill myself 3 times, I sit by myself every night cutting at my skin, I cry myself to sleep every night, I am depressed, I have social anxiety, I go to therapy

Im so sorry

Meganvr2003 replied 3072 days ago 2 1

u make these little cuts on ur hand for attention, isn't that so sad. You expect everyone to feel sorry for nothing. I cut my legs, hands, arm, stomach and thighs every day, and I cry myself to sleep every night and I have real problems, so stop faking

I actually don't do it for attention I actually go thru things so buzz off I'm sorry abt that but it doesn't mean u have to drag me down with u I've done nun to u

Meganvr2003 replied 3072 days ago 4 1

Why do you cut

I don't and why would u care anyway

Meganvr2003 replied 3075 days ago

Why are you not a millionaire?

Idk wish I was though

Meganvr2003 replied 3084 days ago