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100 :D
Ummm... I think it would have to be old 22 carat gold bangles. It's a family heirloom
Chill and eat burgers and fries and watch anime all day
Why? Prozac is not working for you? Try cyanide. It will cure you of depression after just one use. That's a promise :)
No babe, don't get qooh. But you can give these weirdos a piece of your mind when you qooh me :) they'll be sure to see.
I'd say heavy metal, screamo, deathcore... I'd recommend songs by Bring Me The Horizon. I'll also recommend that you buy yourself some painkillers because if you don't have the taste for it, it's going to give you headaches. I would also recommend a dictionary. Good luck :)
He is just so special in every single way possible. He accepts me for who I am. He has the most awesome hair ever (I'm a hair fetish). He understands me (which is really impossible because I don't even understand myself). And he loves me. He doesn't have any piercings or gold in his mouth or tattoos (these are big turn-offs). He is down to earth and if I ever had a male counterpart it would be him. Oh, did I mention his hair? Now could you stop asking me questions about him? Or should I make him get a qooh account so that you can ask him?
Bae. And food. But mostly bae's food
Darling, everything I do is weird. Like even my breathing is weird. To pick out the Weirdest is difficult. But it was probably eating peanut butter on eggs with a hint of toothpaste. It was horrible and it was made by my cousin =))
Whipped cream and strawberries and prozac and chocolate. Altogether in a weird medicinal dessert
Food. And money. But mostly food :)
He's a good friend of mine.
Umm a good guy
No. I think tattoos are so rachet
Firstly, he is not a douchebag. Secondly, you don't have the right to call him that. Thirdly, if I date complete douchebags, that would mean that you would have to be one for me to date you, right? And I'm not dumping anyone, so if you're waiting for a 'turn', you're not getting one anytime soon. And fourthly, I'm not a ride so no one gets 'turns'.
Not really. I have waist length hair. But I'm growing it.
Umm is that food? Can I eat it? I like food
OMG that's like asking me how I feel about chocolate :) he's a really nice guy and he's one of the most original people I've ever seen.
I don't consider it safe to give out my location to strange anonymous people.
If he isn't my boyfriend, I would stab him to death. With a pencil.
Wouldn't you like to know? -_-
Oliver Sykes. Lead singer of Bring Me The Horizon
Yes. When I was 3 years old. Took me one pull and 100 coughs to realise that I was destroying my lungs.
I will marry when I've completed my degree, gotten myself a job and a house and car. I would like 2 kids.
I do not smoke and I have nothing against those that do. I absolutely despise alcohol. So no, I don't drink either.
Umm... I don't know. Ask my photograph of Oliver Sykes.
When I feel like I'm ready for that kind of commitment.
Hmm, I'm not sure. We would both have to compromise in that case...
That's true. And because you have said something useful, I will choose to ignore your wrong spelling.
It feels great. I feel like a needle among all these haystacks :D. No offence to those that aren't virgins.
I have an older brother.
Love is blind Bruh, there isn't anything wrong with it :)
No, not really, although I would love to travel the world some day.
I do not see the importance of supporting any soccer team (or any sports team or event for that matter). I'd say it's totally irrelevant to my life. Manchester United isn't going to pay my bills or cheer for me when I graduate, so why should I be happy if they win or lose? It's a waste of time.
BEd. Majoring in Biology and English.
OMG how can you ask me that :0
I work on weekends and study from Monday to Friday. I'm a very busy person, unfortunately.
Umm... I don't know. Many people say I do, but I have toe-specific dysmorphia or something so I really don't think so.
If we fell into mutual love and decided to, then yes.
No I have not. Why so many questions about race?
I do not have BBM at the moment.
I don't think black or coloured guys have any interest in me. I've never been asked out by a black or coloured guy.
Yes, it's also for people who are too shy and wouldn't want to ask certain questions if the other person knew who they were. But you can also ask questions without anonymity.
Well then, I'd say you heard right.
I don't need nice legs to swear. I need a filthy mouth to swear.
Yes. I'm dating at the moment.
I am 'chatting' now
Hi there my dear anonymous qooh person...
No. Love defines a relationship.
No, absolutely not! That would be rather undignified of me, don't you think?
I'm not racist. I date any race.
Yes, of course I do.
Because marrying an anonymous person is totally safe, right?
Yes I am, and I'm very proud of that fact
LOL okay... this is the silliest dare ever, but I will do it.
Umm I'm not sure, really. I ignore everyone that isn't special to me. And I hate everyone. One question though; do you even autocorrect? :/
Hahaha OMG I have no idea what's wrong with me, but I can tell you all about that spelling and grammar problem that you have. Would that help? -_-
Is this a rhetorical question? Black.
No. Why would I do that? -_-
That is so sweet of you. I actually pride myself with being as mean as possible :)
I fail to see how this is a question.
I'm more goth with a touch of emo
Because it's my account and I can name myself whatever the hell I want
Gosh I have no clue