U eva had *ex b4?
Onli in ma dreams
Whoz ur bes frend?
Jack Daniels
do you have agirlfrend on campus?
I dont
What wud be an ideal date 4 u
jus check the 1 i av nw,u'l kno wats ideal 4 me
Have u ever lykd sm1 older than u?
Wow,to me age z nt a prblm,infact i thnk tz 1 of ma tastes in women.so simply i wud say yes
shud i reveal myself,kapena waziwa kale?
I oready kno,Laika Juma ryt?lol
g9t melvin
kinda hard 2 answer lol.nwaez 9t
how do u see urself in 5years? Dynamit3
Avin a job,out of ma parents house...n ofcourse celebratng 6yrs av bn wth ma gal
have u eva in lyf find a fellow man attractive? Dynamit3
Hell no,bt sm fellow men av found me 2 b attractive...abt 3 guys
Wats ur taste in women?wat kind 2b specific?
sm1 mature,laid back,sm1 who undastandz the nids of a man...n i dnt lyk skinny women
How do u express ur love 2ur gal?
I dnt av specific ways,jus do t weneva i cn n wateva way posibo
how bout SOS?
That wz too early 4 me 2 av a crush
did u had a crash whilst @ hill side?
I neva went 2 hill side
Whatz ur worst experience?
Getting arrestd 4 rogue,ended up spending a 9t in cell
who z ur mahop?
Haha thatz a nyc 1,bt i'd rather stay quite on that
who is yo favorite actor?
Av neva thot abt that,Rango i gues lol.bt i thnk Jame Foxx
Who z ur favourite artist?
Ask me anything you like
Describe yourself in 3 words?
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
cant recall,all i heard were true
Who are you dating currently
Wezzie Kabvuta