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Why did u care if we start speaking again ?
When I got back home from Costa Rica and saw my parents . I was away for a month.
If he wants to talk to me, he can talk to me
He is nice. And idk We just stopped talking after that saga. I couldn't really look at him the same.
Tbh I don't really care anymore.. It was so long ago . I don't speak to either of them anymore though. I did not like him more then what we were.
In a van Touring and playing music with friends
Is s3x a new video game out that I haven't heard of yet?
She has a beautiful soul and voice xx Love her dearly forever and always
Giving everyone a chance . People can surprise you. For the good or bad, it's worth it.
I'm sorry Charlotte xxxxxx
That's fantastic Tessa!!
Gen/juz , Casey , Eliza, Elise , Laura W and James H
Aha you could say that I guess.
Absolute tosser ... Nah Jks ily
No I do not But will always be a friend :)
Cause we both moved on.. And he unfriended me on fb
He is very nice But we don't talk anymore
I find that this is a stupid question since they know how I feel about both of them.. But whatever.... Tay R - one of my best mates , I love her I think she's insane and a tad crazy but it's okay cause I'm equally a bit insane and crazy at times.. Tay C - cool dude. He likes to be mean to me and hits me sometimes but that's okay as we'll cause I'm twice as mean and I'll hit him twice as hard back :p As a couple - cute, very affectionate but sometimes gag worthy. Can only be with them when as a couple in small doses . 2 hours max a week is how much I could handle but The love is intense that they have for each other. It's also inspirational and beautiful .
there are many butttt casey, juz, gen, zach and others
ooooooooo if i have to say one .. Casey ;) ahaha
In science with Ms Egan
Caseys as*. Elise + Eliza's t*** The Dali lama Anybody who works for charity And Shanons guitar playing.
Casey, Eliza, Elise, TJ, gen, juz I think that's it idk
Jerbjuz ( they come as a package )
Beautiful, funny and fun :) x Need to party together sometime :*
He is nice, caring and great at anything to do with music :)
I couldn't answer that even if I tried
" the weed has probably gone off by now" - bless her soul. " I'm a quarter virgin " - can say who that was There have been others but I can't remember right now
Aha um we used to talk a lot but then some **** went down and I kinda miss him sometimes. I don't like how things have been lately but a bot of it was my fault and I'm sorry for that :/ He is a really great guy though And I wish him the best if I don't see him again x
a reply every once and a while would be fckin great (y)
yeahhh probs ben. idk. i don't think it would ever have worked out anyway. but yeah.
there have been a few but it's never gonna go anywhere and thats okay. I'm gonna try and move on. so it gonna be alright :)
Transportation or Flying maybe
Honest family and friends who remind me there are still good people in the world :)
I don't think anybody does. But if it were anyone it would be Justine
I'm gonna say Casey
I'm sorry if I forgot you xx It was from the top of my head
That's a lie. She's one of my best mates and I love her and she's one of the few people I trust in this world so I think you should go away thanks x
Things just didn't work out :/ I fcked up a bit
nah not anymore
TJ, Eliza, Elise, Siobhan, Justine and Gen
“I’m not mad at you for not giving a ****. I’m disgusted with myself for thinking you did.” - this sums it up.
Lol I'm far off from being cool. And I do have an indie part of me. I don't try and be 'indie' or 'cool' Cause that wouldn't be who I am. I'm an individual. Everybody is. I have many sides to me. Just like everybody else. Sometimes people may think I'm fake because they see different sides of me and think there's only one side to me, and the others are fake. It's not like that at all. I'm not gonna apologize for being exactly who I am and being myself. You think I'm pretentious? Fine. That's up to you, but I really don't care. Thank you. Xx
nothing has ever been a mistake. it's been a lesson
Who hasn't?
Lol I've never sent a nude in my life and never will. Ahahaha
We had soccer
We now have an understanding for each other
Who have I played with?
Um I haven't lead anyone on. I'm a fckin honest person. If you knew me. You'd know that.
Idk him anymore. So I can't comment. He's changed too much and I don't know the new him.
I'm not gonna name names
Jerbjuz <3
We don't talk anymore :p
She slept with a guy that I had feelings for, even though she knew I liked him a lot.. she did it anyway. Then 3 months later I met another guy, who I started to have a bit of a thing with and I asked her not to do anything with him and she said she wouldn't. But she fcked him anyway. :)
Bad music, the Australian governments laws about gay marriage and the fact that the people that want us; we don't want and the people who we want; don't want us.
Well I'm not gonna share that so that other people use that against me aye
Aha hi Ben :) feeding line.
Ahahaha ummm...
Going on a date I think :)
Ahhh seems nice :) were friends the first 2 weeks of year 7 and then she moved :/ aha umm really good at basketball :)
9 ;) there's always room for improvement aha :p
Naww aha yeah idk :p
Lol never.. I just got an iPhone after having the oldest phone of the century, and even this iPhone is a handy down from my younger cousin -.-
It would be harder to answer what was the best thing that happened to me this week.
Mr. T smith at school
Tay, Emma, Eliza, Elise and Siobhan
Idk anyone
Haha yeah :)
Idk who I'd want to speak to more, but I'd definitely want to see some more people that I haven't seen In a while
Well they read your aura and they can tell what your soul is like and the cards show your past present and future depending on what path you choose. And i don't know what you would call the people who read your cards.. Tarot readers?
Haha no they can't read minds :p and I got it done at market in port Douglas, but if you wish to do it in Melbourne, my aunty Marie does it. Inbox me :p
Probs Emma, Justine, Tay, Gen, Mum and Dad
Ahaha umm.. Not great
still figuring that one out
noope i'm a "part time" student. I do tech production there every Wednesday :p
Umm well as I said I'm not too sure, my feels are sorta torn, after making the first move on people I've learnt that involves letting my guard down completely and I usually get burnt So this person will have to make the first move for me to know of I have feelings for them or not.