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I dare you to ask me something

135 Replies

What do you think is the best feeling in the world?

Um i dno maybe winning a big award

Melissa310 replied 4199 days ago

Kik? Domenique_maree

Yea sure ❤

Melissa310 replied 4202 days ago

How did you and your best friend meet?

Thats hard to say it depend wich bestfriend but im going to try to anwser this qooh Janelle~ we meet in prep, we were friends but we wernt that close but last year she became so one i cant live whitout❤ Natarsha~ i always knew of her but we never really talked this year we have had so much fun together❤ Renee~ renee and i knew each other before we were born! ❤ Simone~ we meet when we were really young at kinda or maybe even before that!❤ Domenique~ i think we meet in prep or before that we have always been each others other halfs❤ Tahlia~ we never liked eachother but this year we have became really good friends❤ Holly~ always knew her but this year we have bonded more❤ And lucky last elise~ meet her in year 2 when she cane over from england we were really close in year 2 then we stoped talking now were close again❤

Melissa310 replied 4202 days ago 1

Something you plan on never doing again?

Breaking my leg

Melissa310 replied 4204 days ago

Did u know u are beautiful?

No i didnt know that. Because im not u probably are! Thank you though u made my day ❤ ;)

Melissa310 replied 4206 days ago

What would you leave in your will for the person you care about the most?

I think like lots of money or really good expensive piece of jewlrey

Melissa310 replied 4210 days ago

If u had one wish what would it be?

To have infinity more❤

Melissa310 replied 4211 days ago

Manayaaaaa it's just a be its not a scorpion. Guess who.

HAHAHAHAH! Tahlia! My god u r one funny little girl ❤

Melissa310 replied 4211 days ago

Did you finish your book

Hahaha yes! I know who this is!

Melissa310 replied 4211 days ago

Who do u rather… tahlia g or monique g

Firstly, is it monique giordano? Or monique grech? If it is monique giordano ur talking about its really hard to choose because i have know monique giordano for ages! So its hard to choose

Melissa310 replied 4213 days ago

3 things that attracts you to a person?

Blue eyes, sense of humor and abbs ❤

Melissa310 replied 4213 days ago

Funniest moment with tiana

We have heaps from year 1,2,3! I would have to say in year 3 when we got our matching textas i still have it!❤

Melissa310 replied 4215 days ago

Tbh on tiana

Omg shes the best! I live her heaps! I wish we could talk more... But i always know she will be their for me! We annoy each other because its fun she is one of my prettiest friends shes funny nice and annoying in a funny way! Im going to miss her so much next year!

Melissa310 replied 4215 days ago

U and Dom are amazing singers<3

Thank you but dom is amazing but thank you

Melissa310 replied 4215 days ago

U r a good singer

Thank you :)

Melissa310 replied 4215 days ago