Kn ek jou naai?
Kn ek se baai??
(Hah, rym is diie beste)?
What is your number one rule?
Don't be kak
Be lekker
Have fun, honeybun?
Jy^. ( Dis n boodskap vir jou haters )
Oh??? ah dankii❤️❤️ liiefde vii ju?
Genoeg is genoeg. Julle A$$holes het niks beter om te doen nie beter nou begin stop. Net omdat jy n swak persoon is beteken nie dat jy aanhoudend iemand se lewe moeilik moet maak nie. Peace out. Los haar uit, of ek kom vir jou
Wie tf iis haar???
en jys n hoer moeni dit verkeerd kry ni?
Duidelik ken jy my niiks?
hm is jy so dik ??
Emm wnt pizza iis lekke??
If u know me,would u allow me to vat u❤??
jyt n kind in jou ek sweer
Jy sweer verkeerd ?
why are you amazing ?
Have you ever been in a situation where you and a friend couldn't pee somewhere because guys could hear?
Dis nie nodig nie ?????
Soo waneer spyker ek en jyy?????
Toothpicks can be made from the timber of one's heart
Emm... okyy???♀️??♀️
Jy ken my actually ... nie baie goed nie maar jy ken my ???????
Sooo emmm DM??????
jy en carlo iets?
Vra hom❤️
Ek dink jy moet eerder weg bly van die graad 9 seuns af want jy kan duidelik nie jou bene toe hou nie
Hoe voel swanger wees ?
Duidelik weet jy niie wavan jy prt niie??
Eks niie swanger niie xx
Glo wt jy wiil ma ek ken my waardes hoor??
As ek wakker skrik en jys nog hier weet ek my drome word waar ?????
Haha, aw cute man???
Wiies diie??❤️?
I like peanuts
Oh? Me too?
Jy is n droom ????
En as jy wakke skrik????
Jokes.... emm dankii baiie??❤️❤️
Joh jys so hot?
Wie is die pa??
Da isi n pa niie xx
Ook niie n baba nii
So tata❤️
van wie?
Iemand special❤️
hou j van iemand?
Yepp xx ??
If you could get rid of one friend who would it be and why ?
I wouldn't xx ❤️
What do you no longer waste time on?
A lot ...???
Julle fotos is vertraag
Dan munii na my page kykii??
Hoe jags was jy al
Ek diink jy iis nu??????
jy en carlo?
My hys super niice???❤️
Met wie chat jy di meeste
Probz michelle en zana?❤️❤️
Kan ek jou uit eet
Ma ek kn vii ju roomys koop wt jy uiit kn eet???
Piel groote?
Don't have one
So don't care 'bout it?
Wat het gebeur tussen jou en carlo.l
Ek weenii xx
Gehoop da sl iiets wees xx
Ma hy prt skaars mt my soooo???
Idk, vra hm❤️❤️
Wi ju beste vriendin?
Michelle en Chrezane❤️❤️
Ek dink eks verlief op jou ??
Oh... dm??❤️
Wie is jou crush
Da iis so baiie??
What popular thing doesn't appeal to you?
Like jy vir dian
Dian wiie???
Ken n paar?
Wie like j die meeste steven of werner p
Steven wiie??
Wat bedoel jy met sjoe, netflix en chill ???? bedoel jy net netflix en chill ??
Nee nvrmnd xx ??
How about netflix and chill, with hot chocolate and marshmallows and a nice cosy blanket ???? DL ???
Sjoe netflix en chill????
Het jy al zol gerook ?? ??
Nope xx ??
Do you know Werner Phaal ??
Yesss xx ????
Jys n beast ?❤❤ DLG
Hehe, thxx???❤️
Kan ek an jou boud vat??
Uhh... okyy???
Hahaha you do hay????
Nee chom xx ???
Do you ever get jags at school?
What do you need to get off your chest right now?
A lot
Phillip?? ❌?
Great chom???
Super hot??
Have you ever felt naughty at school?
Do you ever sleep nude?
Why u wanna know?
You are probably one of the most awesome and beautiful girls, in my friend history,
Honestly it would be great if we could get to know each other better
Stay you ❤❤ - DLG
Dylan xx ???❤️
Do you like big dck??
Diie vraag iis af chom xx
Eks te bang om te dm?
Munii weesii, asb??❤️
Dis altyd n goeie ding?
Sal nog beter wees as j n man kom help??
Uhm.. okyy???
Eks mal oor jou xx
Dm xx ❤️❤️
Jy maak my so jags by die skool??
Isit n goeie diing????
Ek wil jou parra uit eet???
Vra iiemand anders ??
Hoor jy stuur nudes?
Hoor verkeerd❤️❤️
Underwear colour for today?
You like?
No thx??
The secret to a good friendship is... ?
Honesty and knowing each other better than yourself xx ❤️❤️???
Kan ek jou vat en vinger???
Nee dankii xx ?
Ek dink ek is verlief op jou❤❤
Sal jy vir iemand soos my gaan
Wiie jy???
Has you jade $ex before
I'd kuier with you?
Ek like kuier?❤️
Justin bieber concert ?
I wish?????
I would like to take you to the beach and watch the sunset together ❤
Sounds romantic???
But..... who are you????
Would you date someone like me?
Who you???
Like jy jou broer ?
Ek love hom...?❤️
Amazing boeta daii?
What do you never plan on doing?
Idk... but i guess it would be to not do something horrible????♀️??♀️
where you from?
South africa ❤️
Hi Melissa wat maak jy???*
Nvn ejj????
If u could do anything you wanted to what would it be? E.Pillay
Own every piece of clothing from Factory and Cotton On❤️??
what is your ig?
Which simple things can make you smile Letshavefun
Just being a nice person and caring about others cn make me smile ❤️
Jy's beeldskoon in elke moontlike manier jy lyk soos n awesome persoon met wie mens heerlik kan chat oor enigeiets ❤
Sal jou defs eendag wil ontmoet dan kan ons kuier??
Wow?❤️ Jy kliink na n niice persoon xx
Dm my dan maak ons planne???
Wat as dinge begin wild raak tussen ons
Ek weenii ....
Wiies diie
So jy gee my permisie❤??