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Melissa dingle


Ask Me Anything :*

146 Replies

Im bored what ya doing?

Same anon, just laying on my bed contemplating life haha yourself ?

Melissadinglee replied 2991 days ago

thoughts on cody eiman and jesse

Cody- amazing guy, have lots of respect for him, very attractive and an amazing friend xx
Eiman- biggest idiot haha but majority of the time he's so funny and cute X
Jesse- miss him heaps, sometimes annoys me but still he's a good friend !

Melissadinglee replied 2991 days ago 1

Peter is a baller ;)

I know he is haha buy me maccas pls

Melissadinglee replied 2994 days ago

What's a lesson you learned the hard way?

Don't ever love someone to much

Melissadinglee replied 2994 days ago

Thoughts on katey Jade Chloe and Brea don't make it sht

One of the most genuine and amazing girls I know! Really pretty and always manages to make me laugh :') have known her a while but haven't really spoken until I went too her party :) care about her a lot and always have her back! Xx

Jade- known her for 3 years now & we've never had a dull moment! Lots and lots of great memories ;)) inside jokes :O & fun times , I love spending time with her and she's one of my best friends!! :) so pretty, (ew yuck) , has a great heart and is one of my favs :) love her X

Chloe- I have a lot of love for this girl and I don't think she realises that. I'd go beyond my strengths for her and do anything that she wanted / needed. Known her for 8 months, been with her for 5. Been a lot of good and bad times with us and I hope we can look past the negative and make more happy memories xx
Love her with a lot of my heart xx

Brea- She's done a lot for me and I don't think I can ever re pay her! She always helps me through tuff times and always gives me the best advice! She's a cutie and I love her and look up too her a lot. She deserves the best in life and I hope she finds a special someone who gives her all the happiness she needs xx
Love her lots !

Melissadinglee replied 2998 days ago

Who's your girlfriend?

You hunni

Melissadinglee replied 2998 days ago

hey b jade.maree9


Melissadinglee replied 2998 days ago 1

Favourite human

I can't pick! Could be Chloe? Could be Brea? Could be Jade? Could be jorgin? Could be Tam? Could be kayla? Could even be Katey? My mind changes :)) depends who's being nice to me☺️☺️??

Melissadinglee replied 2998 days ago 1

How many roots you had

Virgin :)

Melissadinglee replied 2998 days ago 1

You are a ****

I'm an Astric ?! Sweeeet b?

Melissadinglee replied 2998 days ago

What drugs have you tried

Panadol is my favourite

Melissadinglee replied 2998 days ago 1

Biggest fear

Losing people that mean the most to me

Melissadinglee replied 2998 days ago

Katey is love katey is life

I 100% agree

Melissadinglee replied 2998 days ago

What do you silently judge people for?

Personality ???

Melissadinglee replied 3001 days ago

If someone gsve you a million dollers to give head would you do it ?

Umm what a stupid question

Melissadinglee replied 3001 days ago