Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
I want to be shot if I ever answer yes to this question
Well like, I don't really care what people have to say. I just like answering stuff bc I'm bored and easily amused. Thx though.
Happiness ffs
Haaaaaa funnily enough, yes I do as of a few hours ago. But that's alright. Their day will come. I'm no push over. ?
Me too x
Would it make a difference if we said we've been dating for a week? A day? The same feelings are going to be there, everything is going to go back to how it was. Both break-ups were literally just a need for space, not a loss of love, or to necessarily leave the relationship for good so whatever, take a hike honey.
Thank you.
Love you
8 months today.
I would do literally anything to fix this. I love Blake more than anyone else.
Love you whoever you are
Thank you, I appreciate the care
Thank you
Appreciate this
Thank you.
Absolutely nothing.
I don't know what else to say other than I did not intentionally hurt him. I didn't do anything wrong. He's believing something that didn't happen and if I could actually prove I didn't, then I would. But I can't. It's just my word against someone else's but I wouldn't be defending myself so much if I did do it that's for sure.
I didn't cheat on Blake. I swear on literally anything. I love him more than life itself why the hell would I do that???? Also, if I did, why is it being brought up now, after months of me "cheating" on him? It would have been addressed immediately either by me or by anyone else. I didn't do it. It's all a lie.
Yeah I guess, haven't heard any new goss though
Make-up. Bread. Avocado. Plush toys. Star Wars merchandise. Books. Tea.
It was awesome. Hahaha.
True story MVP
By disliking him for a whole year at school.. Hahahahaha
My mum. Although my mum says I look like my dad.
I don't know, to be honest. I know what isn't a waste of money.
A coffin..
Oh, thank you
Can you please elaborate on what you mean? Thx
That I actually hate myself HAAAA
I would spoil the film if I answered this.
Well you see, I had already read a massive spoiler on the internet because people can't keep their trap shut, so the main thing that would have shocked me, was expected the whole time therefore ruined it a little.. However, it was really good despite that.
Be Like You by Ed Sheeran
Thx honey
Yes because my brain fcking hates me.
I don't have a solid answer to this question ever, I don't think. Some days I'm thinking "wow what a time to be alive" and then literally the next day I could be thinking "somebody run me over, I beg you".. And these thoughts can alter from one to the other very quickly, as you can imagine. At this very minute, I'm more just like "yeah somebody should run me over", which isn't ideal.
I don't really think that there's one thing I am scared of that overrules the rest of the things that I may be scared of.. In saying that, majority of my fears are pretty trivial. It's not like I'm scared of dying or losing somebody I love or something like that. They're just small fears so, I don't know. :)
Uhh, I don't know really. I don't really think about it. A few people probably come to mind but meh. :))
This one time I acted like I cared
Me apparently hahahaha how flattering
I'm not sure if we immediately can "love" someone just by looking at them, but I definitely believe that our first impressions on someone can have a say in whether we further our relationship with that person and consequently, make us love them or hate them.
Well I grew up wanting to be a dancer/gymnast, then it changed to a writer, then an actress, then a marine biologist, then a teacher, then a police officer (homicide detective), now it's been a lawyer for a solid three years. :))
Probably my sassiness, to be honest. Or my honesty.
Turning off my stubbornness, sass and/or opinionated nature, regardless of the consequence.. Just not being a b.itch, really..
Well we're actually back together but, we broke up for a number of reasons. I guess there were just too many issues left unattended, and everything seemed to keep building up until eventually it all came out in a massive fight and that's why we broke up. The issues don't really need to be specified. The point is, we had issues and we just kept brushing them off until they could no longer be avoided.
Runners. HAHA. Also, lots of money.
Let's get one thing clear: I in no way aimed to offend or disrespect the twins' mother. Why would I do such a thing if I was trying to prove a point about disrespecting serious issues? I'm smart enough to not be that hypocritical. As for the twins on their own, to be fair, a lot of the things they have joked about I have found greatly offensive and therefore I used the cancer analogy in order to show them what it's like when people comment on such an issue that is very close to heart. I didn't ask Blake to defend me, he made that decision on his own. As far as I'm concerned, he spoke to me from a very neutral standpoint to be honest. I don't feel like he was on anyone's side but I guess I understand if you view it that way.
Mean people.
Thank you very much for the concern! We did break up for a few days over quite a number of things, but we are back together now after talking everything out and realising that we do still care for each other. :)) thank you for the love. ??
It's just something you write on as you read and you document any thoughts or questions that come to mind in relation to a quote or a scene you've just read. I have to do it for english. It's a really good way to make sure you're not just passively reading and also, it's a nice way to feel more in touch with the book. :))
Some guy from grade 4 that I liked. Hahaha.
Yeah, it was. Thank you. ❤️
Somewhere pretty
Um. Well if it was my school bag, you'd find school stuff but you'd also find notebooks which I write in and probably about 2 books I'm reading. Same goes with my draws to be honest.. Haha.
Yeah :))
Basically anywhere I can.. Haha. If I have paper and a pen it doesn't really matter where I am. Usually at home I'll write in my room on the floor or on my bed but that's not because it's easier or anything but just because I'm always in my room.. I try not to write too close to people because I don't like the idea of showing people my work unless I want to, and people are always going to lean over your shoulder and be like "hey what are you doing? Can I read it?" So usually at a relatively comfortable distance away from people. I just have a bunch of notebooks lined and unlined which I buy from news agencies and $2 shops.. I have a range of coloured pencils, grey leads and pens but they're nothing special.
They're just cool movies haha
I just want everyone to have access to their basic human rights, and have the main opportunities that the majority of the world have.. So many people are disadvantaged and treated unfairly, and that's the basis of many problems today. I don't really know what I would wish existed or didn't exist.. I don't really like to wish.
I don't think you can just wake up one day and be mature. I know from myself that maturity comes from experiences and things that have happened to you, that have made you the way that you are. I guess my life has thrown a lot at me at times when I wasn't ready for it, and that's how it's happened. I just grew up too quick and learnt a lot in a very short time spam. Maturity occurs through growth and experience.. I'm sure you are mature anyway. :))
I struggle to talk about myself unless I'm asked a specific question so you're not going to get much of an answer hahaha. Plus I don't really find myself as having much to tell.
Well I guess my main thing would be animals. I would want to work with fundraisers that focus on them and the treatments they're put under. I know I can't really change the world on my own, but if you convince enough people that there's work to be done, a lot can be completed through the power of people. :))
I'd say just do it if you think it's something you're passionate about. In my application I just answered the questions honestly, really. I said that this was something I felt would be good for me because it's really hard for young people to get involved in big changes like this as often, we're shrugged off as a generation. I talked about what I am interested in, how I could contribute.. I was just saying what I truly felt at the moment I read the question. I'm not apart of any other fundraisers at the moment, but I'm planning to be. If you want to be apart of any, just look into it. It all depends on the kinds of things you're interested in. :)) thank you ??
Romaine Brooks!! Or Frida! Got to love Frida.. Also, I do like Claude Monet too ??
I don't even know
I've been vegetarian for almost a year and it's always been because of the animals. The thing stopping me from becoming a vegan is actually that my parents are 110% dedicated to completely disagreeing with this concept at all costs. Due to this, I've put off becoming a vegan until I move out because 1. It's very difficult to live in a household in which you're arguing all the time over the same things, 2. You're in the transitioning process and need help because you have literally 0 time to do anything (cook meals, buy meals, etc) and 3. You're not able to get any of this help and support..
I feel like I've had this question.. I don't have any favourites but you can always check who I follow on Instagram and who I like on Facebook. That would give you a relatively clear idea.
Well I think that you have to have a general interest in english and writing to get into it. For example, if your strong suit is generally in numbers and science/math based subjects, you'll probably find it more difficult to get into writing because it's not your type of currency. However if you think you could get into it, I'd say reading books is a great way to start and so is reading poetry. You can find heaps of this online which makes it really convenient. Find books or poems that you really love and focus on those authors and what they do that you like. When you read try to focus on some main things like character, setting, what the author is trying to say or endorse (outside of the novel/poem), their tone, language, etc. Once you start forming a good grasp on analysing texts and not just passively reading, you'll be able to go much more deeper with your own writing. In terms of being good at it, you just have to practice a lot. Everybody writes differently and about different things. What's crappy to some, might be beautiful to others. Just know that you don't have to know how to write a best selling novel in a day to be a good writer. It takes commitment and practice and passion to be good, but don't put yourself under that kind of pressure! It's meant to be free and calming. Not like sitting an english exam. Journal entries are how I first started, and then as you get more confident with your abilities, you'll find that you'll naturally start expanding your works. Note too that every bit of writing can add up over time to create a lovely platform of experience and growth, which is how the best writers create the best stuff, so it's okay if you're not writing essay-lengths everyday. It's all still meaningful. It will add up to good things. My overall advice on how to be the best you can be is to write as if nobody is going to read it. Don't write to impress or just so you can be good at something, write because you're passionate and you have something you need to express (even if it's just for yourself). Be honest with your words. Writing is about you and what you feel. Anything that is honest and expressive to YOU, is always going to be good.
Pretty much all the options you listed.. Haha.
Yeah it's an app. It's called Guvera. :))
Only social media ones really.
Talk to people. I've found that the best way to handle it is just getting it all out. Erase any memories like photos or gifts they've given you, and do something for yourself. Take a day (or days) where you just focus on you and what makes you happy (that doesn't involve them) until you start feeling better, and just take each passing day as a part of your personal development. You need to consider this as a positive and not a negative. Try to think that you have plenty of time to focus on you now and what you need to do to be happy. You have lots of time to see your friends and family. It's so important to not let these things provoke self harm or your depression. Remember that there are heaps and heaps of beautiful souls in the world and around you that are willing to offer you support when you need it, and please please know that you're still just as lovely even if you don't have that person with you anymore. It's all a growing process and you might learn a lot about yourself!
Only the small ones. Majority are just cut outs from magazines.. ?
Aw :(((?
Hahaha. I'm really curious as to who you are!!
Sure! Of course
Most of it is nude by nature (powder foundations and blushes) but the other things like concealer, eyeliner, mascara and liquid foundation are by maybelline. I have a few eyeshadows and bronzers by a brand called Napoleon too. ?
I literally do nothing in regards to my body (just hope it stays the same.. Haha) and my skin is actually so gross because I pick at it whenever I'm anxious (terrible habit) I just cover it well with makeup so yeah..
I love Gwen hardwood (especially after studying her in lit), Lang leav, Angela carter (she writes short stories), Virginian Woolf (english writer), Edgar Allen Poe (short stories and poems)
I did ??
I don't think I have one. :)
I write.
Not really. I just read books and write a lot. I do look online and read people's poetry and analyse the language and things like that, in order to try and see how I can incorporate those techniques in my own writing but that's all. I guess I'm just good at english, haha.
I don't think I want to be like certain people but I definitely focus on having certain traits. For example, I want to be caring and generous and considerate. I want to be someone strong, who pushes for change in things I'm passionate about, and is helpful and uplifting and does things not just for myself all the time. :))
Haha, there is no set way. But you shouldn't want to be like me. You should want to be like yourself! :)) There is something individually beautiful in everyone and you shouldn't ignore that. I'm sure you're great. Thank you. ??
Well. If I have school I will wake up, eat breakfast and whatnot then go to school. I'll get home, shower, eat, do any homework, talk to some people, then probably just write about my day and things that I felt went good or bad or anything in particular that inspired me that day
Thank you! Hm. I don't understand what you're asking? Thank you again, I'm sure you are too :))
About a girl or blew
I don't really classify them a certain genre because I'm not really sure.. I guess kind of love related but not really? They're roughly between 3-5 pages because I'm too indecisive and too full of creativity that I get so crazy and I just have to stop before I kill off every character or turn them into a completely different thing.. To prepare, I usually just take a personal scenario and that's how I start. It might be something as simple as a girl walked past me and I thought she had nice shoes. I'll literally just describe her and then come up with this whole thing about where she might be going, what kind of person does she look like? What kind of music do I think she listens to? I just put a whole story to a face. You must remember though that short stories are meant to be, well, short, so you have to come up with some kind of plot that can quickly progress but not be too sudden in the story that it stuns the reader completely.. You're not hopeless!! You just have to start. Xx
"It's okay if the only person you save is yourself", "you cannot do all the good that the world needs. But the world needs all the good that you can do." ALSO to kill a mockingbird is another one of my absolute favourites books sorry I didn't think of that one when I answered the previous question!!!
I write poems, short stories, things that I love, don't love, I write about people I find inspiring and why they inspire me; whether they be famous or just people I know or see (this really helps me form the basis of characters in my stories) I write quotes I love, or that I have paraphrased, I write song lyrics that really get to me, and just how I'm feeling. I won't lie, sometimes my writing can be very sad and personal, but sometimes it's very positive and happy. Many people think that to be a good writer you have to come up with an amazing poem or an amazing novel just from scratch but in reality I've found that all the little things you might write here and there, really help to form an amazing platform for what might be your greatest work. Sometimes it's your own words laying right in front of you that can inspire something big.
I can't actually post a photo on here but basically I just have a lot of small artworks and photos about on my wall.. I also have the Tibet flags hung on my feature wall which is purple. In my corner I have a desk filled with books and a set of draws with lots of cute stuff on it like candles and moisturisers.. It's not really the exact way I would like to style my room as my clothing style is much different to it but I like it at the same time. I'm a person with a lot of layers and you'll find a little bit of everything in my personality/style. I'm pretty complex..